


Russia The article presents the results of sociological survey of Moscow oblast inhabitants carried out in August-September 2013. The study analyzed opinions of population about system of mandatory medical insurance in conditions of purview of law regulating this system during last two years. The sampling included 584 respondents being visitors of municipal polyclinics. The survey established that after twenty years from the moment of organization of the system of mandatory medical insurance not all citizens are oriented in it. So, 8.7% of respondents have no awareness about their medical insurance company and 29.1% are not aware about functions of foundation of mandatory medical insurance. Nevertheless, citizens actively apply their rights related to choice of medical institution and especially their attending physician. During last two years, these rights were applied by 13.2% and 21.7% of respondents correspondingly. The participants of system of mandatory medical insurance still are lacking position of major advocates of interests and rights of the insured. In case of necessity to get medical care only 15.2% of respondents refer to system of mandatory medical insurance and even less (4.8%) to foundation of mandatory medical insurance. Most of the respondents (84.6%) emphasized absence of informal payments in case of provision of medical care during last two years.


V. Semenov

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

119992, Moscow, Russia

S. Livshitz

The Noginsk central district hospital

142400 Noginsk, Russia

K. Lakunin

The Reutov central municipal clinical hospital

143964 Reutov


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