


The questionnaire survey was applied to 584 patients with tuberculosis, 92 phthisiologists and 144 therapists from general medicine network. The analysis established that phthisiologists and therapists of general medicine network assess extremely low compliance of patients with tuberculosis. At that, 76.5% of patients consider that they totally implement recommendations of physician and 19.7% indicate that they implement recommendations only partially. These findings testify ineffective interaction in dyad “patient-physician” negatively resulting in outcomes of curative rehabilitative process in general. Hence, need to put a question about necessity of psychological support where determining role plays medical (clinical) psychologist. The increase of compliance of patients and correction of stigmatizing manifestations in physicians will be one of the main directions of activities of psychologist.


S. Yudin

The Volgograd state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

400131 Volgograd, Russia

V. Delarue

The Volgograd state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

400131 Volgograd, Russia

A. Borzenko

The Volgograd state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

400131 Volgograd, Russia


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