The personnel management in medical organizations: the sociological analysis features




The article deals with the analysis of impact of the system of personnel management in medical organizations on the effectiveness of activities of both single worker and organization as a whole. The effectiveness of activity of medical organization personnel is conditioned not only by professional and personal qualities of worker but also by one’s work experience and indicators of staff adaptation. At that, the carrying out of complex sociological surveys of characteristics of functioning of institutions in the management context makes it possible to evaluate the characteristics of manpower, indicators of quality of provided services and general trends in development of public health system.


S. Efimenko

The research institute of sociology of medicine, health economics and medical insurance

д-р социол. наук, проф., зам. дир. по научной работе Moscow

N. Zaiytseva

The research institute of sociology of medicine, health economics and medical insurance

мл. науч. сотр. Moscow


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