The medical social aspects of quality of life of women with the manifestations of climacteric syndrome




The manifestation of climacteric syndrome is one of the serious issues concerning the medical biological, psychological and social cultural aspects of life of women of climacteric (premenopausal) age. The pathologic manifestations of climacteric syndrome interfere with professional activities of women and decrease their social activity and alter interpersonal relationships. These are the objective reasons to organize the special study of assessment of medical social characteristics of quality of life of women with the manifestations of climacteric syndrome. The research program provided the assessment of quality of life on the sample of 276 women in the period of climacterim (premenopausal age). The specially developed questionnaire was applied to investigate medical psychological and social aspects of the subject of research. The questionnaire comprised of issues covering such scales as "quality of life", "infertility", "sexual life", "emotional states", "social role", "physical efficiency", "mental efficiency", and "financial capacities", "psychoemotional experiences", "menstrual dysfunction". In 190 out of 276 women were revealed the manifestations of climacteric syndrome of light and mean severity. In 86 women the course of climacteric period was normal. The results of study demonstrated that women with the manifestations of climacteric syndrome have lower quality of life. Hence, the indicator of quality of life can be applied to provide a comprehensive assessment of overall health state of women during the period of climacterim (premenopausal age).


I Chernichenko

Санкт-Петербургская медицинская академия последипломного образования

канд. мед. наук, ассистент каф; Санкт-Петербургская медицинская академия последипломного образования

I Chernichenko


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