The social factors impacting the development of early child caries: the results of the five countries study




The comparative study of social risk factors for early child caries was carried out in five countries - Germany (Erfurt), Brazil (Uro Preto), Belarus (Minsk), Latvia (Riga), Russia (Volgograd). On the basis of stomatological examination data of 472 children aged from 26 to 34 months and questionnaire survey of their mothers the high risk of caries development in children population of all involved countries is established. It is revealed that country residence, work activities and education of mother impact directly and indirectly on the development of children early caries modifying behavior stereotypes of oral cavity care and diet of children.


S. Knaist

The WHO collaborative center on stomatological diseases of the Fredric Schiller Jena University

д-р, проф. Jena, Germany

Ye. Maslak

The Volgograd state university

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. Volgograd

R. Tzare

The Stradins University

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. Riga, Latvia

S. Berzina

The Stradins University

д-р мед. наук, проф. каф. Riga, Latvia

S. Krivele

The Stradins University

д-р, каф. Riga, Latvia

T. Terekhova

The Belorussian state medical university

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. Minsk, Belarus

N. Shakovetz

The Belorussian state medical university

канд. мед. наук, доц. каф. Minsk, Belarus

M. Wagner

The F. Schillers University

сотр. отдела бизнес-статистики Jena, Germany

V. De Mura-Ziber

The WHO collaborative center on stomatological diseases of the Fredric Schiller Jena University

Email: anessa_de_Moura_
д-р Jena, Germany

R. De Mura

The WHO collaborative center on stomatological diseases of the Fredric Schiller Jena University

д-р Jena, Germany

A. Borutta

The WHO collaborative center on stomatological diseases of the Fredric Schiller Jena University

д-р, проф. Jena, Germany

Ye. Arjenovskaya

The Volgograd state university

клин. ординатор Volgograd


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