The particular aspects of problem of stigmatization and discrimination of living with HIV-AIDS

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The article presents the results of medical sociological study carried out in the Volgograd region in 2012-2014. The purpose of study was to explore actual condition of problem of stigmatization and discrimination of persons living with HIV-AIDS. The analysis was applied to prevalence of these occurrences in different social groups; causes facilitating their origin and conservation and main characteristics. The face-to-face anonymous questionnaire survey was applied to several categories of citizen of Volgograd and Volgograd oblast: HIV-negative residents (219 respondents), HIV-positive residents (116 respondents) and medical personnel (92 respondents). It is established that nowadays stigmatization and discrimination of persons living with HIV-AIDS are rather prevalent in society especially in its male portion. However, these occurrences are of latent character. The study established invert correlation between level of knowledge of problem of HIV-AIDS and intensity of stigmatization and discrimination. The HIV-infected persons are subjected to both external and internal stigmata. The occurrence of stigmatization are present and in medical community. In particular, occurs such emotional manifestation of external stigmata as fear of possibility to be infected that can impact quality of medical services to HIV-positive patients. The overcoming of stigmata in the system of medical care to HIV-infected patients can enhance the level of knowledge of problem of HIV-AIDS and increase the level of social guarantees to medical personnel.

About the authors

O. A Cherniavskaia

The Volgograd state medical university

400131, Volgograd, Russia

E. A Ioannidi

The Volgograd state medical university

400131, Volgograd, Russia


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