The cyberspace of medicine: Internet as enemy and ally of physician and patient

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The Ural state pedagogic university, 620144 Yekaterinburg, Russia The propagation of global net technologies inputs drastic alterations into all areas of society life. The article deals with effect of Internet informational field on transformation of medicine and public health system. The new for national science notion of "cyberspace" is analyzed. G. Eisenbach defines cybermedicine as a new area of knowledge originated on intersection of informatics and public health. Within its framework, the main attention is paid to application of Internet and global net technologies in medicine and public health. The article analyzes the possibilities and limitations of application of Internet resources in medical activities from point of view of both physician and patient. The results of study among administrators of curative preventive institutions of Yekaterinburg provided the clarification of issues of informatization of national public health care system.

About the authors

Ye. V Pavlenko

ГБОУ ВПО Уральский государственный педагогический университет

аспирант 620144, Екатеринбург, Россия


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