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卷 26, 编号 1 (2022)



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Clinical Investigation

General and local stomatological and immunogenetic changes with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia

Gafforov S., Nazarov U., Hen D., Fazilbekova G.


BACKGROUND: Works devoted to the study of homocysteine metabolic disorders in undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia and the dental condition of patients with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia were not found in the available literature. The consideration of etiological factors, some pathologies of oral tissues associated with connective tissue dysplasia, specificity of clinical courses, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prevention, and treatment have no unified approaches, which is the main reason for inadequate proper medical and dental care for patients.

AIM: This study aimed to examine the dental and immunogenetic state of the oral cavity and the body as a whole in the surveyed people with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The present study is based on the data obtained from the observation of 48 patients in 2016–2020 with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia and chronic generalized periodontitis (main group) and 34 patients without signs of musculoskeletal dysplasia but diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis (control group) aged 18–37 years.

RESULTS: The average dental caries intensity was 16.7 in the studied group of patients with AH. The following is the ratio of Caries Filling Extraction Index elements: caries of 2,1; fillings of 13,3; extracted teeth of 3,2 out of 26:1 teeth; non-carious dental lesions of 4,5; and periodontal tissue pathology of 85,5. Alveolar bone resorption values in the upper and lower jaws of female patients aged 30–37 showed that bone loss in the alveolar process of the upper jaw is a bit faster (69%) than in the lower jaw (45%) (p <0.3).

CONCLUSION: The state of dental hard tissue on the background of reduced bone mineral density is characterized by the high intensity of the carious process and a significant number of extracted teeth. Disbalance in the calcium-regulating hormone system in patients with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia of middle age of both sexes promotes the development of an aggressive disease course, which is determined by reliably significant periodontal indexes worsening, increased attachment loss, and a higher bone tissue resorption degree.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):5-14
pages 5-14 views

Options to optimize the orthopedic treatment protocol to prevent inflammatory complications at the immediate prosthetic stage in patients after multiple teeth extraction

Gus'kov A., Guyter O., Oleynikov A., Osman A.


BACKGROUND: Simultaneous multiple loss of teeth significantly increases the need for immediate orthopedic treatment in dental patients, often with the use of removable immediate dentures due to general somatic pathologies and local Dental Prostheses System features.

AIM: The study aimed to optimize the orthopedic treatment protocol for patients after multiple teeth extractions.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: As part of the study, the orthopedic preparation of 18 patients was conducted for further permanent prosthetics. Patients underwent tooth extraction in the upper or lower jaw amounting to the formation of included, combined, or terminal dentition defects. The following were used for patient treatment: a standard protocol for immediate prosthetics, a modified protocol, including an improved method of vital mucous membrane staining of the prosthetic bed in the surgical intervention area using standard and immediate original design prostheses. The treatment option effectiveness was evaluated based on the results of diagnostic monitoring of wound healing zones in the prosthetic bed area of immediate prostheses, including visual-palpation assessment, vital oral mucosa staining with an iodine-containing diagnostic solution to control inflammation, and a modified Doppler observation method.

RESULTS: Study results revealed that all patients, who used standard immediate prostheses without considering the diagnostic control of inflammation areas, had objective signs of inflammation up to the 20th day of treatment with low microcirculation dynamics in the wound healing area. In 4 out of 6 patients using standard immediate prostheses, considering inflammation control, the vital staining indicators by day 20 indicated a possible trend toward chronic inflammation development in the prosthetic bed area, which was confirmed by an unstable microcirculation picture. The severity of inflammatory changes was insignificant in patients who received the original design of the immediate prosthesis, starting from the 7th day of observation and minimal by the 20th day. At this time the hemodynamics are physiologically normal.

CONCLUSIONS: Based on the study results, the orthopedic rehabilitation protocol’s effectiveness, with the use of a modified design based on the immediate prosthesis and permanent diagnostic, mucous membrane staining of the prosthetic bed was established to detect inflammatory complications in the wound healing areas.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):15-24
pages 15-24 views

Dynamics of the state of supporting implants of covering and fixed prostheses in the complete absence of teeth

Zaslavsky R., Olesov E., Ragulin A., Romanov A., Ivanov A., Movsesyan V.


BACKGROUND: The functional duration of implant prostheses in the complete absence of teeth is insufficiently represented in the special literature. Hence, the experience of using such prostheses of various designs over 20 years is summarized.

AIM: To analyze the effectiveness of implant prostheses in the complete absence of teeth in terms of peri-implant tissue status

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study examined 23 patients with fixed dentures on 4 implants after 5 years and 30 patients with fixed dentures on 6 implants after 10 years from the manufacture date. Overdentures on 4 implants with rigid attachments were analyzed in 24 patients after 10 years and with elastic attachments in 28 patients after 20 years. Additionally, 20 years ago, 73 patients received overdentures with bar fixation on 2 implants. The evaluation criteria include the detection of mucositis, peri-implantitis with 1/3 and 1/2 bone resorption, and implant removal.

RESULTS: When summarizing the state of implants over 20 years, the following results were obtained: removable dentures are more effective with rigid attachments on a bar and 4 implants and less effective on 2 implants (47.9% and 65.2% of implant removals, respectively); fixed prostheses with complete absence of teeth (experience of 10 years of use) are preferred with support for 6 implants (28.3% of removals vs. 42.4% with support for 4 implants).

CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the proportion of removed implants is >50% of the installed ones. The functional average period of fixed prostheses on 6 implants in the absence of teeth is 10 years (on 4 implants is 5 years) and removable prostheses on 2–4 implants with elastic and rigid attachments is 5 years.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Structural changes in masticatory apparatus organs and tissues with chronic environmental pathogenic factor exposure of flight labor

Iordanishvili A.


BACKGROUND: The professional activity of the flight crew, conducted day after day under the constant influence of several unfavorable factors (hypergravity, vibration, altered barometric pressure, noise, etc.), leads to a significantly decreased quality of health and the development of phenomena of activity dysregulation of several organs and body systems, which manifests itself even in relative rest conditions.

AIM: To study the structural changes in masticatory apparatus organs and tissues under the influence of the main ecopathogenic factors of aviation labor on the body, such as chronic noise exposure, oxygen deficiency, barometric pressure changes, vibration, and hypergravity.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The experimental study included 65 white male rats of the Wistar line, aged 8–34 weeks. Of these, 10 animals remained intact and 15 were subjected to chronic gravitational overloads following the generally accepted method. The remaining 40 animals were subjected to long-term isolated broadband noise exposure with an intensity of 100 dB, hypoxia, barometric pressure changes, and vibration following the generally accepted methods for modeling aviation overloads. At the end of the experiment, the animals were taken out of the experiment, and the material was taken for morphological studies.

RESULTS: The extreme factors of aviation flight (noise, hypoxia, barometric pressure drops, vibration, and hyperweight) with prolonged exposure to a living organism lead to the same type and non-specific multifunctional changes in the masticatory apparatus organs and tissues. The severity of these transformations is most clearly manifested in the hemomicrocirculatory bed and nervous structures and depends both on the air flight influencing factor type and on tissue sensitivity to the effects of these extreme factors.

CONCLUSIONS: The most unfavorable factor of flight labor is chronic gravitational overloads, and the salivary glands, masticatory muscles, and dental pulp are the most sensitive to this factor from the masticatory apparatus tissues.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):31-40
pages 31-40 views

Tooth horizontal movement with dentition defect prevention and treatment

Olesova E., Arutyunov S., Olesov E., Movsesyan V., Fazylova T., Radzishevsky B.


BACKGROUND: This study is relevant due to the significant prevalence of deformities in tooth position due to their displacement in the extracted tooth area.

AIM: To determine the prevention and treatment of dentoalveolar movements with dentition defects of a small extent

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The device “Temporary denture of small length” (Patent RU 2676629) and “Method of horizontal movement of teeth with dentition defects” (Patent RU 2679591) have been developed and the therapeutic and prophylactic device was tested.

RESULTS: In a clinical example, the sequence and effectiveness of the method for eliminating the horizontal displacement of the lateral teeth with dentition defect of the lower jaw is presented.

CONCLUSIONS: A method for preventing and treating horizontal tooth movement with small defects is proposed and clinically tested. The essence of which is computer planning and computerized manufacturing of sequentially applied removable polymer prosthetic structures with an increasing length of the intermediate part that replaces the defect.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):41-48
pages 41-48 views

Necessary orthodontic treatment assessment of orphans

Akhmedova S., Slabkovskaya A., Magomedov R., Morozova N., Terekhina N., Drobysheva L.


BACKGROUND: The orthodontic treatment leads not only to functional normalization of the stomatognathic system but also to smile aesthetic changes, which helps to increase a person’s self-esteem. Moreover, the level of neuropsychicological development revealed that approximately 6% of orphans are included in the group of healthy people following the coefficient of mental development, and 94% of pupils of the orphanage with sensory, motor, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive sphere retardation are in the risk and pathology group.

AIM: This study aimed to assess the psychological status of children without parental care, based on the “Picture of a Person” test.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study included 44 children from the orphanage aged 7–17 years to assess their psychological status using the “Picture of a Person” test.

RESULTS: Difficult life circumstances lead to developmental peculiarities in children. However, the desire for social communication remains, the aesthetics of appearance are valued, and the desire to impress increases. This indicates the need to work not only on the psychological state of children without parental care but also to educate them on the right attitude toward health and beauty, to create opportunities for self-improvement with the help of various specialists (dentists, orthodontists, dermatologists, etc.), which will help increase self-esteem.

CONCLUSION: The study demonstrates the need for children without parental care in social communication. Great importance is attached to the aesthetics of the face and teeth. Dentists can contribute to the successful adaptation of orphaned children in society, paying attention to the treatment not only to the health of the dental system but also to the beauty of a smile. Orthodontic treatment can help in educating orphans with the qualities necessary for their socialization.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):49-56
pages 49-56 views

Organization of Healthcare Service

Diseases of pulp-periodontal complex associated with different directions between systems disorders

Ashurov G., Imomova F., Karimov S.


BACKGROUND: Caries complications (pulpitis and periodontitis) alongside caries remained the most widespread pathology on dentistry dispensary acceptance. This is a study of the disease structure of the pulp and periodontal for dentistry patients with intersystem disorders.

AIM: To improve the treatment methods of pulp-periodontal defeats for patients with between system disorders

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This retrospective study included 568 dispensaries of the cards using the casual sample dentistry patient with different directions between system disorders (main group), and 570 dispensaries of the cards patient without somatic pathology (group of the comparison) primarily addressing employees of therapeutic dentistry department. Patients with between systems disorders were chosen following the World Health Organization recommendation, defining the given group as a contingent on the high risk for dentistry level health estimation of somatic patients.

RESULTS: Among examined contingent, the prevalence of pulp inflammation was determined in 209 (36.8%) events of 568 addresses. Prevalence of chronic periodontitis was determined in 183 (32.2%) events of 586 addresses.

CONCLUSIONS: The interconnection pulp-periodontal disease complex analysis discovered the reliable correlation between pulpitis and periodontitis between the compared groups.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):57-62
pages 57-62 views


Dynamics of adhesive systems development in dental practice

Bordina G., Lopina N., Andreev A., Nekrasov I.


BACKGROUND: Тhe article presents a review of adhesive systems in terms of their component chemical composition. Seven generations of adhesive systems have been studied. The first generation of adhesive systems emerged in the 1970s. The result of the action was the bond reaction of the adhesive with calcium enamel and dentin. Glycerophosphoric acid dimethacrylate was used. The use of methacrylates in adhesive systems was widespread because polymers with high biological indifference to biological objects are formed when they are polymerized in combination with acrylic resin. The second generation used a lubricated layer to obtain higher adhesion rates. Chloro-substituted phosphate esters of various monomers were used as active groups. The main compound mechanism remained the ionic binding of calcium dentine by chlorophosphate groups. The third generation used a lubricated layer to attach the composite to the dentin in the same way as the second generation. In the chemical composition, aluminosilicates, aluminitrates, hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA), 4-methacryloxyethyltrimethyl anhydride (4-META), and other substances were most often used as active groups. The fourth generation is a multicomponent system that provides a three- and four-step application technique. These systems contain three to four components (conditioner, primer, and adhesive). The technique of their use includes three stages, namely, etching with 37% orthophosphoric acid, priming, and bonding. Adhesive systems of the fifth generation are two-component systems that provide a two-step technique of application. First, acid (etching) is applied to the tooth tissue, and second, the adhesive itself. Adhesive systems of the sixth and seventh generations are one-component self-etching since the adhesive contains acid. From a chemical point of view, these adhesive systems are a mixture of phosphoric esters and adhesive substances. Therefore, analyzing the adhesive composition of seven generations in such way, the mechanism of chemical interaction of adhesive components with hydroxyapatite and dentin has not significantly changed; however, the number of hydrophobic fragments has increased, which significantly increases dentin contact.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):63-74
pages 63-74 views

Memory pages

Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery during the Leningrad siege

Iordanishvili A.


Military doctors, including Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov employees, played an important role in the USSR victory over Nazi Germany. This has historical information. However, the work of military dentists in the besieged Leningrad conditions is practically not covered.

To provide information about the professional activities of military dentists and maxillofacial surgeons during the blockade of Leningrad.

The study included official statistical reports on the activities of medical units, research, and dissertations, materials from scientific conferences, as well as books, monographs, and scientific articles that testify to the activities of medical workers during the blockade of Leningrad. During the blockade of Leningrad, the work of military dentists provides an example of complex medical and diagnostic problem intensive solutions against the backdrop of an acute financial, material, and labor resource shortage. Specialized medical care for the maxillofacial wound under the siege of Leningrad was provided in the dental clinic of the Military Medical Academy and evacuation hospitals. A quarter of those wounded in the face simultaneously had lesions in other areas, such as the limbs, ears, nose, and throat organs, eyes, etc. With a significant percentage of severe wounds, a low percentage of fatal cases of wounds in the face, accounting for approximately 1.5% of the total number of wounds. During the blockade of the Neva City, military dentists significantly improved surgical and orthopedic methods of treating maxillofacial wounded and dental patients, which is most fully presented in the 6th volume of the “Experience of Soviet Medicine in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945” (1951), where, among the 22 members of the team of authors, 18 are from Leningrad. According to the Leningrad Front, the total number of military personnel that returned to military service was 8–10% higher than the average percentage of those fully recovered on all fronts in different years of the war.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):75-80
pages 75-80 views


Andrey Konstantinovich Iordanishvili (on the 60th anniversary of his birth)


The name of Russian Professor Andrey Konstantinovich Iordanishvili, who turned 60 on January 25, 2022, is well known to the dental community of Russia, countries of the near and far abroad.

The anniversary article highlights the scientific, clinical, pedagogical, inventive and social activities of the famous dentist and maxillofacial surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.K. Iordanishvili. The material for the article was the domestic literature in the field of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, as well as information from students and colleagues of the scientist. The scientific heritage of Professor A.K. Iordanishvili is a valuable contribution to the development of maxillofacial surgery and all branches of dentistry.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2022;26(1):81-85
pages 81-85 views
