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卷 25, 编号 2 (2021)



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Experimental and Theoretical Investigation

Associated parallels of the initial potential mineralization value of oral fluid and intensity of dental caries in children with cleft lip and palate

Ashurov G., Ismoilov A.


BACKGROUND: Cleft upper lip and palate is the most common malformation of the maxillofacial region. Despite the huge successes that have been achieved by dental surgeons in eliminating such defects, the issues of studying the initial indicators of the cariesological status in children with congenital cleft lip and palate are still not fully resolved. The study of the above issues will allow us to correct the plan of therapeutic and preventive action, which will lead to effective rehabilitation of children with cleft lip and palate.

AIM: This study aimed to conduct a clinical assessment of the initial mineralizing ability of oral fluids in children with congenital cleft lip and palate depending on the cariology status.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study presented the results of the clinical assessment of the initial value of the mineralizing ability of oral fluid depending on the intensity of dental caries in children with congenital cleft lip and palate. To determine the mineralizing ability of mixed saliva, 76 teeth of pediatric volunteers with congenital cleft lip and palate with a high level of mineralization potential of oral fluid, with medium, low, and very low levels of the studied indicator, were examined. The level of the mineralizing ability of mixed saliva was determined by visualization depending on the involvement of functionally oriented groups of teeth with caries.

RESULTS: The general characteristics of the mineralization potential of oral fluids, depending on the intensity of dental caries, help determine that with mild caries, the average value of the studied indicator was 21.9%, at an average intensity level of 31.0%, at a high intensity level of 47.1%.

CONCLUSIONS: An inverse-diameter dependence was found in the intensity level of caries on the mineralizing ability of oral fluids.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):101-106
pages 101-106 views

Clinical features of all-ceramic restorations in the oral cavity

Babich V.


BACKGROUND: Porcelain veneers make up the particular section of prosthetic dentistry. Veneers are necessary for frontal teeth restorations.

AIM: To study the principles of dental preparation and the features of the formation of a natural anatomical contour on all-ceramic restorations.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: To achieve a high-quality result of prosthetics with all-ceramic fixed prostheses, it is necessary to take into account many important aesthetic criteria: the shape of the tooth, the inclination of the axes of the teeth, the interdental space and the level of interdental contacts, the gum biotype, its color, the position of the gingival margin, the zenith of the gingival contour; tooth color (shades); the level of the cutting edge of the incisors; the relief of the teeth surface; the smile line and the position of the lower lip.

To determine the color-optical characteristics of future prostheses, it is convenient to use the Vitapan 3-D Master Shade Guide color scale.

For the manufacture of facings, it is necessary to take into account that the preparation is carried out within the enamel layer, the facings are made only for vital teeth, as clinically possible, while preserving the natural boundaries of the tooth.

Prosthetics with ceramic prostheses is not recommended for dental dystopia (lingual, palatal position); significant loss of hard tooth tissues, their increased erasability, incomplete orthopedic treatment, deep bite, parafunctions of the masticatory muscles. Before manufacturing the facings, it is necessary to perform an X-ray examination of the teeth to be restored; assess the state of oral hygiene, determine the color of the future structure, replace all failed fillings, assess the condition of the interdental gap and the contact point.

RESULTS: It is necessary to preserve the vestibular relief of the tooth surface, the uniformity of the lining, Contact with the surface (cutting edge) of the antagonist tooth should not be placed on the surface or on the border of the lining, but only on the tooth tissues.

The advantage should be given to dissection by partial or complete palatal (lingual) overlap. The facings are fixed with the help of light polymerization composite materials, removing the excess with polishing boron.

CONCLUSION: If there are significant risks and the patient refuses orthodontic treatment, the creation of contact points on veneers is a complex clinical task. In addition, with the destruction of the crown part of more than 1/3, the use of veneers is risky due to the increase in the layer of ceramic cladding, there is a possibility of chipping of the lining and the risk of manifestation of pulpitis after preparation. Under such conditions, it is desirable to carry out depulpation of teeth, restoration with zirconium stump pin tabs and prosthetics with zirconium crowns with ceramic lining.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):107-111
pages 107-111 views

Clinical Investigation

Treatment of patients with radiation-induced xerostomia using saliva substitutes as an integral part of complex substitution therapy

Afanasjev V., Titova O., Vinokurov N.


BACKGROUND: Dry mouth (xerostomia) can be a symptom of various diseases of human organs and systems and caused by prolonged intake of medications as well as chemoradiation treatment of malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area. Xerostomia treatment remains a challenging task.

AIM: This study aimed to improve the treatment methods of patients with xerostomia.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty patients with xerostomia were treated and distributed into two groups. Group 1 consisted of 23 patients treated with Hiposalix spray (France). Group 2 included 27 patients treated using the Xerostom (Spain) saliva substitute. All patients underwent sialometry, sialography, and study of the secretion viscosity before and after treatment.

RESULTS: At 1 month after treatment, 22 (96%) patients of group 1 noted an improvement. At the same time, an objective increase in the secretion level was detected in 2 (9%) patients. All patients of group 2 noted significant improvement in the condition of the oral cavity. However, sialometry showed that the level of saliva secretion remained the same.

CONCLUSIONS: Thus, the use of saliva substitutes produced by Hiposalix and Xerostom significantly reduced or prevented the subjective sensation of dry mouth without an objective increase in saliva secretion.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):113-118
pages 113-118 views

Effectiveness of preventive measures for increased abrasion of hard dental tissues and its complications in young people involved in athletic gymnastics

Buchneva V., Gurevich Y., Oreshaka O., Yazykova E.


BACKGROUND: Currently, there is an increased interest of young people in fitness, strength sports, as well as a desire to be in excellent physical shape. However, the influence of amateur sports loads using large weights on the condition of the dental system of young people has been little studied.

AIM: The article analyzes the effectiveness of combined treatment, using an occlusive splint, of dental disorders in young people engaged in athletic gymnastics. The results of the study showed that the proposed method, which prevents the progressive auto-destruction of hard dental tissues in young men, improves the condition of periodontal tissues, primarily the gums, as well as the functional parameters of the temporomandibular joint dysfunction and masticatory muscles.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: All the examined patients were divided into two groups. The observation group included 62 young men who regularly engage in athletic gymnastics, of which 31 people used individual occlusal tires during training (patent No. 188470 of April 15, 2019) and 31 people who continued sports training without tires.

Research methods, tools used, equipment. In the course of the study, inspection, probing, and evaluation were performed according to the criteria of the KPU and KPUp indices, the Green-Vermillion hygiene Index (1964), and increased erasability was evaluated using the Smith-Knight index (1984), also used the enamel resistance test according to the method of V.R. Okushko, L.I. Kosareva, and I.K. Lutskaya (1984), the papillary-marginal alveolar indices in the Parma modification (1960) and the complex periodontal index according to P.A. Leus (1988), and the morpho-functional diagnosis of the temporomandibular joint using the Lira-100 device (NMBT Group, Russia).

Methods of research-surface electromyography on the Synapse device (Neurotech, Russia), odontometry (caliper ADA Mechanic 150, China).

RESULTS: The study showed that the activities of young men in gyms with large weights contribute to the development of a number of dental disorders.

СONCLUSION: The inclusion of an occlusive splint used by young people during sports activities in the complex of therapeutic and preventive measures contributes to the positive dynamics of the state of dental status.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):119-126
pages 119-126 views

Introduction of an integrated approach to the restoration of the occlusal surface of the crown part of the tooth with modern filling materials

Vayts T.


BACKGROUND: The most frequently detected dental pathology, according to the World Health Organization (2019), is dental caries, since about 97% of the world’s population suffers from this disease. The most important factors in maintaining the health of the oral cavity and maintaining the necessary level of quality of life of a dental patient are the prevention and timely treatment of caries.

AIM: To develop a computerized technique for restoring the occlusal surface, taking into account the individual morphometric parameters of the patient’s dental crown. The task was to investigate the dimensional parameters, determine the presence and nature of the relationship between different morphometric indicators of the occlusal surface of teeth in caries-resistant men and women of young (18–35 years) age. Create an innovative computer program for the mathematical substantiation of the process of restoration of the occlusal surface of the tooth, taking into account the correlations between the morphometric parameters of the crown revealed in caries-resistant persons of young age.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The objects of the study were: caries-resistant patients 82 people aged 18 to 35 years, male and female, and 106 patients, of different sex, who had carious lesions and complications of caries (pulpitis and periodontitis).

RESULTS: Based on the data obtained, an innovative program for calculating the dimensional characteristics of the occlusal surface of the teeth was developed (certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2018611780 dated 02/07/2018) and introduced. At the end of the treatment with the use of the author’s and traditional methods of restoration of teeth, there is a positive dynamics of clinical indicators of the state of organs and tissues of the mouth.

CONCLUSION: The created innovative program for calculating the lost tissues of the occlusal surface of the tooth allows dentists to reconstruct the hard tissues of the teeth, taking into account the individual dimensional characteristics of the patient’s dentition, which helps to improve the quality of dental care to the population.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):127-135
pages 127-135 views

Evaluation of denture adhesive cream properties depending on the contact area between denture base and oral mucosa

Mokrenko E., Kostritskiy I., Klyushnikov O., Podkorytov Y., Poltavchenko M., Kudryakov V.


BACKGROUND: The relevance of this study is that in many countries around the world, and in Russia in particular, the increasing trend toward an aging of population makes problems in dentistry urgent, among which the significant increase in the use of removable dentures is important. The probability of the complete or partial loss of their own teeth is increasing, therefore, the number of removable dentures and the problem of stabilization, adaptation and fixation arises. Factors such as the stabilization and fixation of removable dentures depend on certain anatomical conditions of the denture bed, but due to the lack of optimal conditions, especially in patients with a complete lack of teeth, the latter have to resort to additional means (adhesives) that are used to improve the fixation of removable dentures.

AIM: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the adhesive properties of the preparation for fixation during prosthetics with removable structures, depending on the area of the base adjacent to the prosthetic bed.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Was used a device consisted of a laboratory tripod, a coil, a metal cylinder and a plastic disc are presented in the aricle. However, the bottom of a cylinder is lined with bioskin that simulates oral mucosa’ tissues. A dynamometer with an option to measure maximum results was used to measure the adhesion force. The adhesive properties of adhesive cream, containing carboxymethyl cellulose and Poly (methyl vinyl ether-alt-maleic acid) were evaluated in 3 stages. Adhesion was examined on a dry surface, on a surface moistened with distilled water, and on a surface moistened with artificial saliva. First, the adhesion value was determined immediately after application of the fixation cream and then after 2 minutes of exposure to the adhesive cream.

RESULTS: It was found that the contact area of the denture base and oral mucosa equal 55,6%, is the limit percentage of the nonconformity, that can be compensated by using Corega adhesive cream (GSK, UK) only with sufficient moisture content of the oral mucosa and a two-minute exposure of the denture adhesive.

CONCLUSIONS: The adhesion strength of the means for fixing removable prostheses increases after wetting the studied surfaces. It is established that the symmetry of non-congruent sections on the basis of the prosthesis can increase the adhesive stability of the entire removable structure.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):137-144
pages 137-144 views

Experience in the use of dental plaque removal using low-frequency ultrasound and ozonated contact medium in the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis in young people

Mkhoyan G., Razumova S., Volkov A., Dikopova N., Volovikov O., Akhmedbaeva S.


BACKGROUND: Inflammatory periodontal diseases in the world affect from 80 to 100% of the adult population, therefore, the issues of timely prevention of the development of destructive changes in periodontal tissues and the treatment of gingivitis in young people are of great practical importance. Currently, extensive research is being conducted in the field of periodontics, new methods of treatment are being proposed, but a wide arsenal of applied means is not always effective, its use often leads only to short-term improvement, therefore, the problem of treatment remains relevant and necessitates the development and improvement of means and methods that contribute to the relief of the inflammatory process and increase the remission period.

AIM: To investigate the effectiveness of removing dental plaque using low-frequency ultrasound and an ozonized contact medium in the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis of young people.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: 54 patients (age, aged 18–22 years) of RUDN University were examined and treated for chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis. All patients were divided into two groups of 27 people each. In the first group (control group), dental plaque was removed without ozonation of the contact medium. In the second group, dental deposits were removed with ozonation of the contact medium. Hygiene level was assessed using the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index. The intensity of inflammation was assessed using the papillary–marginal–alveolar index.

RESULTS: The papilla bleeding index was used to assess bleeding gums. The resistance of capillaries to vacuum was determined according to the method of Kulazhenko using the auditory-verbal learning test-DESNA device. Rheoparodontograms were assessed qualitatively and quantitatively.

CONCLUSION: Removal of dental plaque using ozonized water as a contact medium helped reduce inflammation, normalize local blood circulation in the periodontium, lengthen the remission period, and stabilize the process.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):145-150
pages 145-150 views

Dental status and electromyography indicators of masticatory muscles in young people doing physical activities with weights

Nasibullina E., Kabirova M.


BACKGROUND: High emotional and physical loads of athletes, especially during the preparation for competitions with the use of weights, have an impact on individual human organs and tissues and are not fully understood at present. Against the background of exhausting and prolonged loads, especially in athletes working with weights, dental anomalies are more common, caries and non-carious lesions of teeth, inflammatory periodontal diseases, injuries of the maxillofacial region are also at a higher level. Recent studies have revealed that such behavioral factors lead to a higher risk of oral diseases. This is explained by the impact of odontogenic foci of chronic infection on systemic immunity and leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of sports achievements, and also proves the importance of timely monitoring and evaluation of the dental status of this population group, carrying out basic and additional methods of diagnosis of dental diseases, prevention and treatment.

AIM: This study assessed the dental status and electromyography indicators of the masticatory muscle group in individuals doing physical activities with weights.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 115 young men aged 25–35 years were examined. Of these, 70 young people were actively involved in physical exercises (bodybuilding, powerlifting, and weightlifting), and 45 did not play sports. Examination data, questionnaire responses, and results of additional examination methods were evaluated. An index assessment of the state of the oral cavity was given. Electromyography made it possible to evaluate the functional state of the dentition. Indicators of the most common dental diseases of both groups, such as caries, periodontitis, dentoalveolar anomalies, enamel chipping, abnormal abrasion, sensitive dentin, and wedge-shaped defect are identified. A structural analysis of the data obtained from both groups was carried out.

RESULTS: Analysis of electromyographic data showed that the background activity of the masticatory muscles in a state of functional tension — chewing on the right and left — is asymmetric and inconsistent (795.3±1.2 and 710.2±1.8, respectively). Indices of the prevalence of caries in the athlete group are localized mainly in people engaged in weightlifting (89.4%±2.5%); periodontal diseases, dentoalveolar anomalies, and enamel chipping in powerlifting representatives (71.3%±1.5%, 34.8%±1.2%, and 25.1%±3.5%, respectively); diseases of hard tissues of the teeth (sensitive dentin) in bodybuilders (36.1%±2.6%), pathological abrasion and wedge-shaped defect in representatives of powerlifting (18.2%±2.1% and 27.6%±1.6%).

CONCLUSIONS: The indices of dental morbidity, index assessment, and electromyographic study of the chewing muscles of athletes involved in weights were higher than that in the group of people not engaged in sports. The overall effect of training leads to functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles, higher rate of acquired dental hard tissue defects, caries, and periodontal inflammation.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):151-157
pages 151-157 views

Accuracy of predicting the upper arch expansion using the ClinCheck software

Pilipenko N., Maksyukov S.


BACKGROUND: Among the anomalies of the dentoalveolar system, narrowing of the upper dental arches in a permanent bite occurs in 57% of the cases examined. Aligners are a preferable method for correcting the position of the teeth and expanding dental arches. Planning and modeling treatment outcomes when using clear aligners are essential parts, since it is the quantitative assessment of treatment outcomes that improves clinical practice. The ClinCheck software allows making an almost fully automated design and manufacturing of Invisalign.

AIM: This study aimed to assess the accuracy of predicting the expansion of the upper arch using the ClinCheck software.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A prospective clinical study included 19 patients with dentoalveolar anomalies whose dental arch parameters were measured before and after treatment with Invisalign Full and Invisalign Teen. Evaluation of the accuracy of predicted expansion using ClinCheck was carried out by comparing the simulated parameters and actual outcomes. To assess the achieved results, individual tooth from the original ClinCheck model was superimposed on the digital model from the post-treatment scan. For the studied parameters, the arithmetic mean was calculated, and significant differences were established at a significance level of p <0.05.

RESULTS: As regards treatment result, patients showed a significant expansion of the upper dental arch in the premolar and molar region as well as protrusion of the incisors. Data showed a high accuracy of prediction using ClinCheck, since no significant differences were found between the mean values obtained as a result of treatment and those predicted using ClinCheck.

CONCLUSIONS: 1) Invisalign technology is effective in widening the upper arch. Following treatment, patients showed significant differences in the width for the first premolars at 4.03±0.24 mm, for the second premolars at 3.61±0.25 mm, for the first molars at 2.11±0.31 (p <0.05), as well as clinically significant incisor protrusion of 6.53±1.41° (p <0.05). 2) Differences between the mean values obtained following treatment and simulated in the ClinCheck program were as follows: expansion along the canines, 0.05±0.11 mm (p >0.05); expansion along the first premolars, −0.04±0.23 mm (p >0.05); expansion along the second premolars, 0.003±0.14 mm (p >0.05); expansion along the first molars, 0.002±0.13 mm (p >0.05), and incisor protrusion, −0.12±0.92° (p >0.05).

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):159-166
pages 159-166 views

A modern approach to the diagnosis of orthodontic patients using a computer program “Assessment of the position of teeth and dentition relative to the lp point”

Rosebashvili V., Kaplan D., Drobysheva N., Persin L.


BACKGROUND: Currently, the most important direction in the field of orthodontics is the improvement of existing and the development of new tools for the diagnosis of dental anomalies. Although there are many ways to assess the occlusion of dentition, but this issue remains relevant in the daily practice of a dentist.

AIM: Study is to develop a computer program for rapid diagnosis of the position of teeth and dentition without X-ray examination of patients at the initial consultation.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: 100 patients aged 18–44 with mesial occlusion were examined using anthropometric and radiological methods. The sizes of teeth and dentition were measured on plaster models. Telerentgenography of the head in a lateral projection and further analysis proposed at the Department of Orthodontics of the A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State Medical University were performed. The data was used for comparison with calculations obtained using a computer program developed by us.

RESULTS: The computer program “Diagnostics of the position of teeth and dentition relative to the coordinate point” makes it possible to estimate the size of the dentition and position of the upper jaw relative to the lower one in the sagittal and transversal positions. At the same time, the accuracy of the diagnostics performed will not be inferior to similar computer programs. The simplicity of the analysis allows it to be used as an express diagnosis in planning treatment.

CONCLUSION: This computer program simplifies the work of an orthodontist, allowing patients with various dental ano- malies to perform express diagnostics based on modern methods and facilitating the choice of treatment tactics. Reduces the burden on the patient without subjecting him to additional X-ray irradiation during the initial consultation, while the accuracy of diagnosis will not be inferior to similar computer programs. Allows you to evaluate not only the size of the dentition, but the position of the lower dentition in the sagittal and transversal positions.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):167-176
pages 167-176 views

Effectiveness of treatment of patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis working in limestone mining

Haibullina R., Rahmatullina R., Valeeva E., Gerasimova L., Kabirova M., Haibullina A.


BACKGROUND: Inflammatory periodontal diseases are an important medical and social problem, since more than 90% of the adult population of the Russian Federation suffer from this pathology.

AIM: The work is to study the effectiveness of the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in employees of a limestone mining enterprise based on clinical and microbiological methods.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined 214 employees aged 22–27 years (machinists, crushers, sorters and workers of the administrative and economic part) working at a limestone mining enterprise (Ufa). Chronic catarrhal gingivitis was detected in 61 patients. To determine the effectiveness of treatment by randomization, patients were divided into the 1st (main) group (n=31) with chronic catarrhal gingivitis, who were prescribed the treatment recommended by us, and the 2nd (comparison) group (n=30) with chronic catarrhal gingivitis, who were treated with basic therapy.

Clinical studies were conducted according to the standard scheme and recorded in the medical history. anamnesis was collected, dental formula, plaque, swelling and hyperemia of the gums were registered during the dental examination, bite and occlusive contacts were evaluated.

The following indices were used: hygienic, bleeding, papillary-marginal-alveolar (PMA).

RESULTS: Clinical and functional data of these patients were obtained. A microbiological assessment of the gingival fluid content is given. Issues of the diagnostics and treatment of patients with chronic gingivitis (catarrhal) with the use of a drug based on lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and “Placentol” are considered. The effectiveness of the treatment has been determined.

CONCLUSION: The proposed method using resorption of “Smart” candies and rinsing with “Placentol” balm in patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis working at a limestone mining enterprise is more effective and can be included in the protocol for the treatment of patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis working at limestone mining.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):177-183
pages 177-183 views

Organization of Healthcare Service

Diseases of the musculoskeletal complex of the temporomandibular joint: the frequency of occurrence, clinical features, etiopathogenic factors

Redinova T., Redinov I., Chikurova N.


BACKGROUND: The frequency of diseases of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is quite high, which requires the development of special arthrological care in various regions of Russia with the involvement of specialists in various fields.

AIM: Study the occurrence of diseases of the musculoskeletal complex among patients of dental admission who applied for oral cavity sanitation without acute pain, and to determine the significance of various etiological factors.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: It was examined by interviewing and dental examination of 100 patients of therapeutic reception aged from 20 to 60 years old. Based on dental complaints, three conditional groups were formed from the number of examined patients. The 1st group included 47 patients who had no complaints of discomfort and pain in the temporomandibular joint dysfunction area. The second group included 24 patients who complained of “clicks” in the temporomandibular joint dysfunction, sometimes difficulties and restrictions when opening the mouth. The third group consisted of 29 people who complained of pain in the TMJ, tinnitus, a sense of tension and pain in the muscles of the maxillofacial region.

RESULTS: The study showed that the number of people with signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction diseases among dental patients is 53.0%. Moreover, the number of people with temporomandibular joint dysfunction pathology was statistically the same among the examined people of different ages. In individuals with signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction diseases (2nd and 3d groups) and without them (first group), there were no differences in the number of individuals with occlusion disorders (abnormal bite, disocclusion, supercontacts, loss of occlusal contacts or restored by restoration with filling materials), however, in groups with signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction diseases, a statistically significantly higher number of patients with musculoskeletal disorders was found, while every second of the examined patients experienced emotional tension and stress.

CONCLUSION: Due to the fact that patients with intra-articular disorders and pain syndrome of TMJ dysfunction are significantly more often identified diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the treatment of this category of patients requires consultation, and, if it’s necessary, treatment by an osteopath.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):185-192
pages 185-192 views

Organizational model of assistance to children with disability, pathology of the maxillofacial region, and dental diseases: results of a questionnaire survey of parents in the department of maxillofacial surgery of the Penza regional clinical hospital N.N. Burdenko

Lebedev M., Zakharova I.


BACKGROUND: Currently, there is a pattern of deterioration in children’s health, which is associated with the increasing number of diseases leading to disability. Unresolved issues related to child disability are among the most difficult and paramount areas of the medical and social spheres. In the city of Penza and its region, there are acute issues of providing quality medical care to children with disabilities, dental diseases, pathology of the maxillofacial region, and their rehabilitation.

AIM: Through a questionnaire survey, the study aimed to determine existing problems in the provision of specialized care and rehabilitation to children with disabilities, pathology of the maxillofacial region, and satisfaction of children and parents with the treatment results in the city of Penza and its region, to develop an organizational model of assistance to this patient population.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A questionnaire was developed, which included questions related to satisfaction with treatment results, accessibility and quality of medical care for children with disability and pathology of the maxillofacial region. The survey involved families with a child aged 1–18 years living with disability and undergoing medical examination by maxillofacial surgeons of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the N.N. Burdenko since 2002. Statistical data processing was carried out using MS Office Excel 2010 spreadsheets and the PASW Statistics 18 statistical software.

RESULTS: The study revealed shortcomings at all levels of specialized care and rehabilitation for children with disability and pathology of the maxillofacial region. An organizational model for helping this group of patients has been developed, which will improve the situation of children with disability and pathology of the maxillofacial region in the city of Penza and its region.

CONCLUSION: In the territory of Penza and Penza region, the proposed organizational model will improve dental health and normalize the rehabilitation period in children with pathology of the maxillofacial region and reduce stressful situations in their families.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):193-199
pages 193-199 views


Application of regenerative endodontic techniques in injured devital permanent front teeth with incomplete root development in children and adolescents

Abdullayeva A., Pustovaya E., Pilshchikova O., Kozhevnikova L., Makaeva E., Omarova H., Makhmudova Z.


This article provides a systematic review of studies on a new biological treatment method called regenerative endodontic technique. Databases of Scopus, Web of Science, and MedLine were searched for relevant studies. Dental trauma most common occurs in children and the most common cause of the loss of viability of the pulp of permanent teeth with incomplete root development. Treatment of these teeth takes time and technically complex. Thus, a technique was proposed that could use the potential of apical papilla stem cells, leading to the refilling of the root canal with vital tissue through the regenerative endodontic technique. It is necessary to pay due attention to the use of regenerative endodontic techniques, especially in cases where the root development is incomplete. The use of mineral trioxide aggregate is unlikely to improve the condition of the tooth.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):201-205
pages 201-205 views

Prospects for biomedical application of aerogels in dentistry

Bazikyan E., Klinovskaya A., Chunikhin A.


Aerogels, having unique properties and good biodegradability, can be used as matrices and be carriers of active pharmaceuticals, which, in turn, suggests the possibility of their wide use in dentistry, in particular in such industries as maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry. Thus, aerogels seem to be an ideal material for creating new generation carrier matrices.

Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2021;25(2):207-212
pages 207-212 views
