卷 19, 编号 6 (2015)


Results of tribological tests of samples of dental materials with protective coating of silicon carbide known as "Pantsyr"

Lebedenko I., Voronov I.


Tribology tests of standards in the conditions of the Proof-of-concept laboratory of functional surfaces covered and uncovered by sheeting «Pantsyr» from the carbide of silicon was conducted by the method of the measuring skidding on the automated machine offriction(tribometer) of TRIBOMETER of firm CSM Instruments. The results of tribology tests treated by means of the computer program Instrum X (CSM Instruments, Switzerland). Profilometric research offurrows of wear on separate standards with coverage and without him with the purpose of determination of area of section offurrows for a subsequent calculation the brought wear over of standards conducted on the optical profilometer of WYKO NT1100 firm Veeco(THE USA), Among studied it is necessary to distinguish a with coverage (Plastic(Ftoraks)), that at the indicated terms of tests showed very subzero(less than 0,1) constant of friction at his insignificant amplitude. It testifies to set constant of friction that did not almost change during all experiment (15000 cycles equal to the year of the use ofprosthetic appliance a patient For (Plastic (Ftoraks)), the brought wear over, that made 9*10 -6мм 3/(Н*м) The same standard without coverage showed a wear more than twice higher ((1.4-0,9)/0.9), was expected.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):4-6
pages 4-6 views

Influence of the current angle of the functional load on the jaw bone and the tooth, the implant reinforced transdermalny

Zyazikov M., Stepanov A., Dzhalalova M., Arutyunov S.


It was carried out numerical investigation of the dependence of displacements trans-dental implant and stresses in the surrounding jawbone of the different resection levels of the tooth root and the applied load to the occlusal surface at an angle of 45 0 by finite element method.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):7-9
pages 7-9 views

Research of dynamics of an atrophy of a bone tissue at orthopedic treatment of patients with total loss of teeth with use the dental implants

Kalamkarov A.


Results of studying of dynamics of an atrophy of an alveolar bone of a prosthetic field at the patients who finished orthopedic treatment with use of the full removable artificial limbs leaning on dental implants of various diameter are reflected in article. Dynamics ofa resorption of a bone tissue was estimated within 5 years in 2 groups ofpatients: at patients with dental implants of standard diameter, and with dental miniimplants in different terms from the moment of fixing of constant orthopedic designs. As a result of the analysis of radiological researches studying ofdynamics ofa resorption of level ofa bone tissue in necks of the implants used for a support of a full removable artificial limb was carried out. The comparative assessment of these indicators on the basis of which conclusions about loudspeakers of indicators of an atrophy of a bone tissue in area the dental implants at this category ofpatients were formulated is carried out and the corresponding recommendations for practice are made.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):10-12
pages 10-12 views

Comparative analysis of the results of examination and treatment of patients with removable acrylic dentures

Verkhovskiy A., Abolmasov N., Fedosov E., Azovskova O., Vlasov V.


The article presents the results of the multiple clinical and microbiological research of patients with partial and complete lack of teeth, using removable acrylic dentures, manufactured by injection molding with automated polymerization as well as conventional molding.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Evaluation of anti-inflammatory effects of the herbal mouthrinses in gingivitis treatment in adults with teeth crowding

Daurova F., Romanova I., Turkina A.


In order to assess efficacy "Stomatofit" and "Stomatofit Fresh" in the treatment of gingivitis in patients with crowding a randomized controlled clinical trial was performed. 60 patients were divided into 3 groups. In group 1 in the treatment protocol was included mouthrinse "Stomatofit" within 10 days and mouthrinse "StomatofitFresh" for 28 days. Group 2 used 0.05% chlorhexidine bigluconate for 10 days. In group 3, the use of antiseptic mouthwash was not recommended. Prior to treatment the mean values determined by hygienic and periodontal indices: Silness-Loe plaque index - 2,2 ± 0,3, Tureski modified quigleyhein plaque index - 2,5 ± 0,5, PMA (Parma) - 39% ± 6%, index GBP (Muhlemann) - 2,1 ± 0,3 . After 10 days after treatment in group 1 a marked improvement: Silness-Loe - 0,5 ± 0,1, Tureski - 0,5 ± 0,1, PMA - 6% ± 2%, GBP - 0,3 ± 0.1. In Group 2, the following values: Silness-Loe - 0,4 ± 0,1, Tureski - 0,6 ± 0,2, PMA - 5 ± 2%, GBP - 0,2 ± 0,1. No significant difference between the groups 1 and 2 was identified. In Group 3, the results were significantly worse than in groups 1 and 2: Silness-Loe - 1,0 ± 0,2, Tureski - 1,3 ± 0,3, PMA - 11% ± 3%, GBP - 0.8 ± 0.3. After 28 days in groups 2 and 3, there was an increase of plaque and periodontal index values. In group 1 patients used mouthrinse "Stomatofit Fresh" twice a day, and the studied indexes remained at a low level. Thus, the use of herbal mouthrinses improves the treatment ofgingivitis and ensures consistent clinical results.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):17-21
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Results of a 10-year retrospective analysis of treatment of chronic periodontitis

Ivanchenko O., Zubov S.


In article the result of 10 years’ supervision of205 teeth at 159 patients to whom carried out endodontichesky treatment of chronic periodontitis is analysed. During the observed period prosthetics of 95 teeth was made. As a result of prosthetics of teeth in terms till 10 years complications - changes, perforation of roots and a bottom ofa cavity of tooth, okklyuzionny injuries which led to removal in 25 cases and, as a result, to repeated prosthetics were revealed.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):21-23
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Evaluation of the standard provision of endodontic care for diseases of the periodontium of the tooth

Iordanishvili A., Salmanov I., Klypina G., Serikov A.


A clinical and radiological study to assess the standard of rendering assistance in the endodontic tooth periodontal disease. A total of 104 people (85 men and 19 women) aged 18 to 55 years who underwent endodontic treatment of teeth on the various forms ofperiodontitis. It is found that the standard endodontic and periodontal single rooted teeth multirooted performed respectively in the formation of the access to the cavity of a tooth in 86.67% and 87.64% of cases; forming the mouth of the root canal - to 80.0% and 83.9% of cases; measuring the working length - in 80.0% and 78.65% of the cases; Root formation channel (s) of the tooth - at 86.67% and 84.27% of cases; homogeneity and its (their) obturation filling material is provided in 80.0% and 89.89% of cases. Satisfactory root canalfilling servicemen to complete endodontic treatment ofperiodontitis single rooted, two or three teeth of the root is determined, respectively, 73.33%, 69.23 and 66.67% of cases.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):24-27
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Identify the best way at the final stage of prosthetic treatment on CAD/CAM technology «Chairside» restoration

Matko S., Vuraki N., Egorova T.


Today, modern patients wish to receive high-quality treatment, because they can get information easily in the internet, so they are more aware. Basic requirements are: painlessly, fast time, highly quality, low price and accessibility. Advancements in technology have made it possible to fabricate an indirect esthetic restoration in one appointment while the patient is waiting. CAD/CAM system "chairside” hmethod, computer designing and milling restorations. Using this system, the dentist can manufacture a restoration without the need for laboratory assistance. The dentist has to perform each step of treatment with maximum quality and fast. In this article we examined the final stage of the manufacture of ceramic restorations.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):28-29
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Clinical characteristics of different variants of acute odontogenic inflammatory diseases

Romanenko I., Konev S., Gandylyan K., Karpova E., Balandina A., Apaguni A.


In all clinical variants acute odontogenic inflammatory diseases showed signs of regional lymphadenitis. When periostitis in the process involves mainly submandibular, buccal, and much less parotid lymph nodes. The inflammatory process got involved in osteomyelitis preferably from 2 to 4 lymph nodes, whereas in phlegmon virtually all patients develop lymphadenopathy all regional lymph nodes. Investigation of the chewing muscles depended largely on how the severity of the current acute odontogenic inflammatory diseases and on the possible location of the most significant was manifested when phlegmons. The study indicates that the soft tissue syndrome maxillofacial area at various clinical variants acute odontogenic inflammatory diseases quantitatively measured at periostitis and osteomyelitis was Grade II, with flegmona - III degree of damage.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):30-33
pages 30-33 views

Feature various methods of anesthesia in dental surgery in patients with hemophilia

Shinkevich D.


Author presents the results of surgical treatment of different maxillofacial diseases in 83 patients with hemophilia, using local and general anesthesia in the clinical setting of HRC MoHRF (Hemathology Research Center of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation) during years 2011-2015. According to the study results surgical treatment of maxillofacial diseases in patients with different types of hemophilia could be safely performed using local and general anesthesia, but under condition of adequate general anticoagulation reversal.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):34-39
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Effect of splinting of teeth in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis on the dynamics of the immunological parameters of oral fluid

Loginov A., Olesova V., Safronov I., Trunov A.


The paper considers the changes of immunological parameters of oral fluid for inclusion in a dental splinting of complex treatment ofpatients with chronic periodontitis of moderate severity. He was treated with 80 patients aged 25-50 30 patients additionally completed splinting of teeth (GLAS-SPAN). The results suggest that the inclusion of splinting of teeth in the standard treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis leads to normalization of the status of local immunity up to 12 months after graduation.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):40-42
pages 40-42 views

Impact of modern prostheses on the dynamics of the quality of life of patients

Bersanov R., Lerner A., Zharov A., Lesnyak A., Remizova A., Tikhonov A., Yuffa E.


In this study, the dynamics of the last 7 years, studied the quality of life ofpatients by OHIP-14 questionnaire before and after the orthopedic treatment with different prostheses, shown their high efficiency.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):43-44
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Dental care needs in employed persons with somatic disorders

Novozemtseva T., Remizova A., Olesov E., Shmakov N., Chuyanova E.


The article presents the performance needs of the dental treatment and prosthetics among industrial workers with a history of somatic status. The high demand for treatment and microprosthetics defects of dental hard tissues in the treatment of periodontal disease and occupational health, as well as dental health examinations two times a year.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):45-46
pages 45-46 views

Results of clinical examination and rehabilitation of patients with partial loss of teeth, restored metal-ceramic prostheses

Martirosyan N., Bondarenko A.


On the basis of research on the effectiveness of prophylactic medical examination and rehabilitation treatment of 31 patients with partial loss of teeth, reduced with metal-ceramic prostheses compared with 33 patients who did not receive regular rehabilitation treatment, proven to increase the clinical effectiveness in 2,7±0,2 times (p < 0,05).
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):47-49
pages 47-49 views

130 let kafedre chelyustno-litsevoy khirurgii «Pervogo Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Meditsinskogo Universiteta im. I.M. Sechenova»

Polyakov K., Medvedev Y., Platonova V.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):49-50
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Klassifikatsiya osteonekrozov sredney zony litsa i varianty operativnykh vmeshatel'stv u lits s narkoticheskoy zavisimost'yu

Basin E., Medvedev Y., Serova N., Babkova A., Kureshova D.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):51-51
pages 51-51 views

Vypolnenie rekonstruktivno-vosstanovitel'nykh operatsiy s primeneniem materialov s effektom pamyati formy pri travmaticheskikh povrezhdeniyakh lateral'nogo otdela sredney zony litsevogo skeleta

Petruk P., Medvedev Y., Polyakov K., Shamanaeva L., Volkova V., Shkvarnikova E.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):51-52
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Eksperimental'naya mikrobnaya kolonizatsiya konstruktsionnykh stomatologicheskikh materialov

Olesova V., Adamchik A., Uzunyan N., Povstyanko Y., Kalinina A.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):52-52
pages 52-52 views

Primeneniya chreskostnykh osteofiksatorov, pokrytykh kompozitsionnymi materialami, dlya osteosinteza perelomov litsevogo skeleta

Safarov S., Shcherbovskikh A., Shokirov M., Bayrikov I., Gafarov K.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):53a
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Predoperatsionnyy protokol otsenki okolonosovykh sinusov u patsientov s anomaliyami zubochelyustnoy sistemy po dannym komp'yuternoy tomografii

Gordina G., Serova N., Glushko A., Drobyshev A.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):54b
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Kompleksnyy retrospektivnyy analiz struktury travmaticheskikh povrezhdeniy chelyustno-litsevoy oblasti v Nizhegorodskoy oblasti za pyatiletniy period

Yanova N., Korsakova A., Khomutinnikova N., Tarakanova V.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):55a
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Rentgenologicheskie osobennosti osteonekrozov chelyustey razlichnoy etiologii

Zhukova N., Drobyshev A., Lezhnev D.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):55b
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Vneochagovyy osteosintez v programme mnogoetapnogo lecheniya tyazhelykh cherepno-litsevykh povrezhdeniy

Maday D., Golovko K., Samokhvalov I., Badalov V., Maday O.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(6):56-56
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