Feature various methods of anesthesia in dental surgery in patients with hemophilia

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Author presents the results of surgical treatment of different maxillofacial diseases in 83 patients with hemophilia, using local and general anesthesia in the clinical setting of HRC MoHRF (Hemathology Research Center of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation) during years 2011-2015. According to the study results surgical treatment of maxillofacial diseases in patients with different types of hemophilia could be safely performed using local and general anesthesia, but under condition of adequate general anticoagulation reversal.

About the authors

Dmitriy S. Shinkevich

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medico-stomatological University

Email: shidmitry@yandex.ru
Department of traumatology of the maxillofacial area 127206, г. Москва


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