卷 19, 编号 5 (2015)


Interaction of fibroblasts with prosthetic materials

Uzunyan N., Adamchik A., Bronshteyn D., Lerner A., Grishkova N., Tikhonov A., Povstyanko Y.


Experimental study of the biocompatibility of the main prosthetic materials in cell culture of human fibroblasts. It revealed a negative effect on cell morphology hromokobaltovogo alloy material for dentures, based on polymethylmethacrylate, light-cured composite.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):4-5
pages 4-5 views

Computer aided evaluation method of clinical efficacy of fixed dental prostheses

Lebedenko I., Nazaryan R., Shchepinova I.


The presented study proves the viability of comparing digital models of fixed dental prostheses to objectively evaluate their clinical efficacy. This method enables us to reveal the defects of prostheses such us chipping of ceramic veneer structure ranging from 51 micron.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):6-7
pages 6-7 views

Evaluation of the protective capabilities of the pulp of teeth with periodontitis

Arutyunov A., Sirak S.


The article presents the results of a study ofprotective properties of the pulp 40 intact teeth removed in individuals suffering from periodontitis. It is established that the structural changes occurring periodontitis in the microcirculation system of the pulp of the tooth, lead to the development of tissue hypoxia, which provokes the activation ofglycolysis in the inflammatory response after receipt in the pulp tissue of microorganisms in periodontal pockets. Research has helped to identify high protective potency of histiocytes pulp of the tooth, which are implemented by phagocytosis.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):8-10
pages 8-10 views

Microbiocenosis of oral cavity in persons with partial absence of teeth

Shushpanova O., Nikolsky V., Kolevatykh E.


The article presents the results of microbiological research of oral cavity ofpatients with partial absence of teeth, after dental health. The analysis of research results has shown change of correlation of quantitative and qualitative content of microflora of oral cavity in patients with with partial absence of teeth. These changes can be interpreted as dysbiotic shift.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):10-12
pages 10-12 views

Effectiveness of treatment of chronic granulomatous periodontitis in patients with hepatobiliary pathology

Dem’yanenko S., Marchenko N., Kirichenko V., Tofan Y.


The article shows the results of chronic granulating periodontis treatment that has been carried out among 56 patients. Comprehensive treatment with usage of hepatoprotector and prebiotics Galstena and Hylak forte was choosen for the patients in the main group (20 persons). There were 36 patients in the second group; they were treated according to the traditional methods. It was determined that use of this combination assisted in acceleration of periodontium tissues reparation processes by the 30th day, resulted in terms treatment reducing. It is confirmed by reducing rates of ALT, AST, and alkaline phosphatase.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Capacity for formation of biofilm of the mushrooms of sort of candida, distinguished from the mucous membrane of cavity of mouth of patients by a myelosis

Kirillova V., Tkach T., Lyamin A., Trunin D., Serazetdinova A.


Article is sanctified to the issue of the day of the bacterial biofilms formed by the microflora of cavity of mouth, in particular by the mushrooms of sort of Candida for patients by a myelosis. As an integral metazoon, a biofilm complicates the usual chart of treatment of candidiasis of mucous membrane of cavity of mouth at this category of patients. A capacity for formation of biofilms and stability are investigational to antimycotic preparations of the mushrooms of sort of Candida, distinguished from the mucous membrane of cavity of mouth 30 patients with a myelosis. In 37% cases disparity of clinical and microbiological diagnosis is educed “candidiasis”. A subzero capacity is set for formation of biofilms the mushrooms of sort of Candida attended with their high stability to antimycotic preparations. Clinical recommendations are given taking into account the obtained laboratory data.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Dynamics of carbohydrate - lipid metabolism and digestive tract microbiocenosis in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis during complex therapy of metabolic syndrome

Petrukhina N., Zorina O., Serebryakova L., Kudryavtseva E.


We detected a directly proportional tendency of increase to the severity of lesions of periodontal tissues depending on the BMI. This is mostly detected in patients with a BMI ≥ 25 kg /m2. 93 patients were selected for examination and treatment to identify the role of periodontitis as a risk factor in the CVC. We studied glycemic and lipid profile, activity of systemic inflammation (C-reactive protein), the activity of oxidative stress in the dynamics before and after treatment (12 weeks).To the standard therapy of periodontitis for the relief of oxidative stress (systemic inflammation) and compensation dysbiosis were added Ubiquinone comp (2 ml/VM - 2 times a week) and probiotics - Simbiolakt-Comp (1 sachet per day). Along with the normalization of the digestive tract biocenosis marked decrease in proinflammatory status and oxidative stress.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Microcirculatory effects of a course of the flyuktuorez mexidol in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity

Amkhadova M., P’yanzina A., Gerasimenko M., Gamzatov M., Soykher M., Muzaeva Z.


The results of monitoring for 160 patients aged 35 to 75 years with a verified diagnosis of chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity. It is established that flyuktuorez helps to improve values for clinical and rheographic indices and indicators of laser Doppler flowmetry by improving microcirculation. It is shown that the rate of flyuktuorez mildronata beneficial effects on myogenic regulation, and flyuktuorez nivalin - neurogenic regulation of vascular tone. Flyuktuorez Actovegin is quite effective in cases where it is not revealed the predominance of violations of either myogenic or neurogenic regulation.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Clinical research of masticatory efficiency with the use of computer analysis occlusions

Mitin N., Vasil’eva T., Vasilev E., Sanferova M.


In this work we study research on the effectiveness of restoration of the chewing function conditions of physiological norm patients dental profile using dent alveolar prosthesis. Orthopedic interferences a aimed a the recovery of dentoalveolar system and chewing function, restore emotional status patient, adaptation in society. That’s why one of the most important aspects in the process of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of dental patients is the measurement of chewing efficiency. In this paper we study the effect of the positive experience of orthopedic treatment when using the program which organizes, groups and analyses the diversity of data, influencing on the chewing efficiency, automating, specifying and facilitating the chewing efficiency measurement’ process.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Changes of properties of the mixed saliva and indicators of dental status in women with significant hypestrogenism

Li S., Oreshaka O.


The article examines the influence of the pronounced female estrogen deficiency appearing as a result of the surgically induced menopause on the indicators of mixed saliva and dental status during the first year after the surgical therapy. The following parameters were investigated: level of steroid and gonadotropic hormones, secretion rate, viscosity, pH level and ion composition of the mixed saliva, as well as indicators of oral hygiene, hard tooth tissues and periodontal status. There was performed a cytological and microbiological study of oral swabs, as well as the assessment of functional parameters of microcirculation in the oral mucosa. The results showed degradation of many quantitative and qualitative parameters of the mixed saliva and clinical and laboratory indicators of dental status, as well as negative changes of the microbial landscape and epithelium condition of the oral mucosa against the background of the acute estrogen deficiency.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Formation of health services in the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care for dental problems

Butova V., Boikov M., Bychkov V.


At the Federal level in 2013 in outpatient providers on the program of compulsory medical insurance medical care and dental diseases, installed secondary current indicators per 1000 population: - visits with the preventive purpose - 186,16; - visits to emergency form 14,55; - visit due to illness (one treatment for one disease includes two visits) - 576,33. The resolution of these aspects of the formation of the amount of medical assistance program of the state guarantees of free providing medical care for dental problems is an extremely important issue.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Filling of passport part of the medical card dental patient

Seliverstova E., Wagner V., Smirnova L., Anisimova I., Sapitskaya A., Prisyazhnyuk A.


Medical card of dental patient - primary and primary medical legal document of the patient, but defective filling is still an acute problem.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):35-36
pages 35-36 views

Dynamics of the main indicators of the departmental dental service

Olesova V., Uyba V., Khavkina E., Reva V., Olesov E., Samoylov A., Novozemtseva T., Chuyanova E., Shmakov N.


We present a long-term analysis of the performance of dental service FMBA of Russia. Showing the ability to save the volume ofpreventive work among children and industrial workers, despite the general downward trend in the number of dental offices in schools and in the workplace.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):37-38
pages 37-38 views

Development of classical principles implantology

Adamchik A., Bronshteyn D., Lerner A., Uzunyan N., Nikonchuk E., Povstyanko Y., Shumakov F.


In a review article describes the classic principles of implantation, which have been developed for several decades. In recent times there is an evolution of classical methods of implantology, which is evident in the number of scientific and practical directions. They are based on the biomechanical regularities in the distribution of functional stresses in the implant and the surrounding bone. Classical principles of implantology allows to ensure the osseointegration of the implant as the primary long-term functioning of the implant.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(5):39-40
pages 39-40 views
