Development of classical principles implantology

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In a review article describes the classic principles of implantation, which have been developed for several decades. In recent times there is an evolution of classical methods of implantology, which is evident in the number of scientific and practical directions. They are based on the biomechanical regularities in the distribution of functional stresses in the implant and the surrounding bone. Classical principles of implantology allows to ensure the osseointegration of the implant as the primary long-term functioning of the implant.

About the authors

A. A Adamchik

«Institute for Advanced Studies of FMBA of Russia»

125371, Moscow, Russia

D. A Bronshteyn

«Institute for Advanced Studies of FMBA of Russia»

125371, Moscow, Russia

A. Ya Lerner

«Institute for Advanced Studies of FMBA of Russia»

125371, Moscow, Russia

N. A Uzunyan

«Institute for Advanced Studies of FMBA of Russia»

125371, Moscow, Russia

E. E Nikonchuk

«Institute for Advanced Studies of FMBA of Russia»

125371, Moscow, Russia

Yu. A Povstyanko

«Institute for Advanced Studies of FMBA of Russia»

125371, Moscow, Russia

Feliks Grigor’evich Shumakov

«Institute for Advanced Studies of FMBA of Russia»

125371, Moscow, Russia


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