卷 18, 编号 2 (2014)


Study of the zone contact and adhesion of nanostructured ceramics on the basis of zirconium dioxide with a facing material in all-ceramic dental prostheses

Anisimova S., Lebedenko I., Levin V., Makarychev Y., Podzorova L., Khvan V., Morokov E.


The microstructure had researched in contact area of nanostructured ceramic based on zirconium dioxide with the covering glassceramic by method of acoustic microscopy. Have determined the dependence of the adhesion strength from porosity of ceramic, burned at 1450 oC and 1530 oC. Revealed, that porosity of ceramic number 1 based of zirconia from nanopowders with dense agglomerates, burned at 1450°C, significantly decreased after burn at 1530 oC and amounted to 0% open porosity, closed porosity of 3%, while the ceramics number 2 with soft agglomerates after firing at 1530°C virtually non-porous. Determination of adhesive strength of nanostructured ceramics zirconia number 1 and number 2 c facing material IPS e.max ceram showed that the adhesion strength ceramics number 2 with a relative density of more than 99% is significantly higher than the number of ceramics 1. Adhesion strength ceramics number 2 with glass-IPS e.max Ceram is almost the same as that of ceramic IPS e.max ZirCAD. By the using of the acoustic characteristics and mechanical tests have founded exponencial dependence of the adhesion strength of ceramic based on zirconium dioxide with glassceramic.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):4-8
pages 4-8 views

Experimental study of the biocompatibility of a metal-free ceramic and metal-ceramic dentures in cell culture fibroblasts

Bronshteyn D., Lerner A., Kononenko V., Magamedkhanov Y., Zharov A.


The study of biocompatibility of samples of modern stomatological constructional materials on indicators of growth activity of cell culture of human fibroblasts. Comparison of materials for artificial crowns: metal on milled and moulded promkabel.ua frames, pressed and ceramics oxycelanim frame. Installed advantages milled romability skeletons and metal-free materials.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):9-10
pages 9-10 views

Study of physico-mechan-ical properties of a new alloy based on palladium for nonremovable dentures "Palladint UNI"

Parunov V., Kozlov O., Kozlov V.


Employees of the department of complex dental prosthetics, laboratory Materials NIMSIMSMSU and ОАО NPK "Supermetall "developed a new domestic noble palladium-based alloy for fixed dental metalprostheses "Palladent Uni". Study was made of the main physical and mechanical properties of the alloy "Palladent Uni", such as hardness, density , yield strength and elongation in accordance with the requirements of international and Russian standards. The results of the research, it was concluded that the obtained values of hardness, density, relative yield strength and elongation of the alloy "Palladent Uni" fully meets the modern requirement of international and national standards for metal-ceramics dentures.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):11-13
pages 11-13 views

The analysis of changes in bone at orthopedic treatment of patients with defects of tooth alignments with use the dental implants

Saakyan S., Kalamkarov A.


Restoration of function of chewing and achievement of high esthetic result of orthopedic treatment at patients with defects of jaws remains so far an actual problem. The purpose of our research was studying of biomechanical aspects of interaction of structures of bone fabric of frontal department of the bottom jaw with different types the dentalnykh of intra bone implants, especially at functional loadings, for development of the most rational and improvement of methods of orthopedic treatment of patients with defects of the IV class according to Kennedy on the bottom jaw. In total 14 options of prosthetics of defects of a frontal site of the bottom jaw with various support (natural teeth, standard implants and miniimplants) under a fixed orthopedic design are studied. For each option the maximum tension of compression and stretching, the maximum shift tension and probability of destruction of biomechanical system were calculated. The comparative assessment of these indicators on the basis of which conclusions about the most rational method of orthopedic treatment at patients with defects of the IV class according to Kennedy on the bottom jaw were formulated is carried out and the corresponding recommendations for practice are made.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):13-16
pages 13-16 views

Definition of tooth rotation by holographic interferometry

Selektor O., Osintsev A., Kosyreva T.


Described a working model for the study of tooth movement by using the double-exposure holographic interferometry. Obtained the basic laws of tooth movement using nitinol arch wires to normalize the situation rotate the tooth.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):17-18
pages 17-18 views

Clinical laboratory estimation of the effectiveness of laser cystektomy of odontogenous cyst, that germinate the bottom of the upper maxillary cavity

Semennikova N., Shashkov Y., Semennikov V.


For preventive maintenance of various complicantions at treatment odontogenic cysts of area top of the maxillae we develop the way lazercystectomy The basic of the operation stage is the coagulation of cover cyst in the field of germination of its bottom of the cavity of the nose is and sinus maxsillaris. The coagulations cover part does not allow to break integrity of the bottom, warning development of its inflammation, does not break mucocyliar the sine road clearance, does not demand the patients to be in clinic, provides rehabilitation of patients in the shortest term - 4,5 ± 1,5 days.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):19-21
pages 19-21 views

Complex etiotropic therapy of sialadenitis complicated periodontitis

Alexeeva S., Arzumanova R.


The paper presents information on the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation therapy of patients with sialadenitis complicated periodontitis, using immunomodulator cycloferon in combination with ultrasound.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):22-24
pages 22-24 views

Optimization of inflammatory periodontal using physical factors of influence

Arzumanova R., Alexeeva S.


The paper presents information on the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation therapy of patients with sialadenitis complicated periodontitis, using immunomodulator cycloferon in combination with ultrasound.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):24-27
pages 24-27 views

Dental status of medical workers of the Kaliningrad region

Borisova Z., Molokanov N., Dekhnich S.


The article presents the results of an epidemiological survey of dental status of medical workers of the Kaliningrad region. Discusses the condition of the teeth and periodontal tissues in the age and gender aspects, belonging to professional groups, are to be reported to the needs in medical therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):27-29
pages 27-29 views

Influence of age and somatic pathology to the assessment of the condition of mucosal immunity of oral caviny in chronic apical periodontitis

Buryagina N., Prashchayev K., Bessarabov V.


In article possibility of an assessment of a condition of mucosal immunity of an oral cavity by cytokinine profile of gingival liquid in patients of different age groups with chronic apical periodontitis and general somatic pathology is presented. On the basis of data of special literature on the main characteristics and features of production immunoregulatory cytokines the possibility of research of a condition of mucose immunity by cytokine profile in gingival liquid is proved. The studying of cytokine level (the tumor necrosis factor alpha) in different age groups in the patients with coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus is realized. The data of our study give possibility to prove and to develop the new algorithms of the treatment of the patients with chronic apical periodontitis, minding pathogenetic therapy, age of patients and phenomenon of polymorbidity.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):30-31
pages 30-31 views

Positive production timekeeping of a maxilla hollow obturator

Kochurova E., Kozlov S., Guyter O.


The most frequent option of treatment at a partial or total resection of maxilla is the hollow obturator. One of the characteristics of this treatment is a large area of a contact surface of the denture with the mucousa of the oral cavity and the sutural connection of obturating part, which is formed by the application of the repair method with autopolymer resin. This technique is laborious and time consuming. The proposed structural element allows us to produce the obturator without sutural connections, in less time.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):32-33
pages 32-33 views

Dynamics of dental status in the process of orthopedic rehabilitation of patients with diseases of cardiovascular system

Lapina N., Akopova V., Starchenko T., Skorikov Y.


This article discussed the efficiency prosthetic dental care for patients with diseases of cardiovascular system, which is the most important complicating factor in orthopedic treatment and extremely widespread among persons with partial edentulous.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):34-37
pages 34-37 views

Improvement of dental surgery of patients undergoing heart surgery

Hasyanov D., Panin A.


Developed and implemented the algorithm of examination and treatment of patients in cardiac surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease (coronary artery bypass grafting), contributing to the clinical effectiveness of dental surgical care to patients cardiac profile. In addition to the standard examination it includes additional study and correction of drug therapy for dental intervention, as many patients at high risk for cardiac complications during surgical intervention. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the developed approach to the management of patients with surgery, coronary artery bypass surgery in history or when planning cardiac surgery, which leads to reduced frequency of complications during the procedure and in the early postoperative period.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Age dynamics of oral liquid chemical elements composition

Shabalin V., Rasumova S., Uvarova D.


By the method of x-ray spectral microanalysis studied the distribution of chemical elements (Na, Mg, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Zn) in amorphous and crystalline zones facies of the oral fluid of patients with sanitized by mouth in 5 age groups (25 people each): adolescents; the faces of young and middle age; the elderly; elderly; long-livers. The content of calcium associated with organic components, in facia oral fluid of centenarians was 4 times higher compared with its content in adolescents, in 2 times above, than at patients of young and middle age, 1.5 times higher than in the elderly, and 1.2 times higher in comparison with its content in patients senile age. Such age-related increase in the calcium concentration in the oral fluid can be explained safe level of its production of calcium salivary glands, increasing reduced intake of calcium from the oral fluid for enamel remineralization in connection with the gradual loss of teeth and destructive processes in periodontal tissues in patients of older age groups.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):41-43
pages 41-43 views

The use of new biocomposite materials on the basis Nikolayevich proteins affecting os-teoreparation process in maxillofacial surgery and traumatology. Clinical case

Shaykhaliev A., Krasnov M., Karasenkov Y., Ter-Asaturov G., Arazashvili L., Stetskiy G.


Restoration of the lost bone tissue is one of the major problems in reconstructive surgery of various musculoskeletal systems of the body, in particular - in the facial skeleton. In recent years, more attention is paid to the substances introduced into the osteoplastic composition for amplification of osteoinductive signal for constructing the bone matrix and its mineralization. The most promising in this respect, the use of small matrix proteins that possess a number of unique molecular properties. This compound used in the experiment is an endogenous and species-nonspecific to the human body, promotes the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):43-45
pages 43-45 views

Medical care of adults with diseases of parodont at the compulsory health insurance program

Butova V., Umarova K., Boykov M.


In the article the analysis of medical services provided to the population with diseases of parodont in accordance with the Moscow city register of medical services in the MHI system. The study showed that the types of medical services provided according to the register of MHI, limit the possibility of providing quality dental care under the compulsory health insurance program for treatment of diseases of parodont.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):46-48
pages 46-48 views

Overview of socio-hy-gienic conditions of working in orthopedic dentistry. Measures for the protection of dentists labor

Egorova T., Vuraki N., Dikanova M.


Considered in the work of professional risks and unfavorable factors in the work of dentists, podiatrists. One way that solves some of the problems of workers' health dentists, podiatrists, was certification of workplaces on working conditions (ARMAT) with the subsequent certification of works on labour protection (article 212 of the Labour Code).
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):49-51
pages 49-51 views

Issues of prevention of dental diseases and the relationship between the periodontal tissues and the level of the individual oral hygiene

Mkhitaryan A., Agranovich N.


This article analyses the prevalence of periodontal disease in the region. Shows the need for and practical recommendations are given mass prophylaxis of dental diseases.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(2):51-53
pages 51-53 views
