Influence of age and somatic pathology to the assessment of the condition of mucosal immunity of oral caviny in chronic apical periodontitis

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In article possibility of an assessment of a condition of mucosal immunity of an oral cavity by cytokinine profile of gingival liquid in patients of different age groups with chronic apical periodontitis and general somatic pathology is presented. On the basis of data of special literature on the main characteristics and features of production immunoregulatory cytokines the possibility of research of a condition of mucose immunity by cytokine profile in gingival liquid is proved. The studying of cytokine level (the tumor necrosis factor alpha) in different age groups in the patients with coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus is realized. The data of our study give possibility to prove and to develop the new algorithms of the treatment of the patients with chronic apical periodontitis, minding pathogenetic therapy, age of patients and phenomenon of polymorbidity.

About the authors

N. V Buryagina

National Research University "BelSU"; Medical Center «Garmonija zdorov’ja»

K. I Prashchayev

Autonomic non-commercial organization “Researching Medical Centre “Gerontology”

V. I Bessarabov

Autonomic non-commercial organization “Researching Medical Centre “Gerontology”


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