


The purpose of this study was to determine the bodybuild, the basic anthropometric measurement parameters (body-weight index - BMI, Varga Index - VI, height, weight), the nature of variation thereof in relation to sex, age and possible correlation with dental health status, in adult patients with connective tissue dysplasia (CTD). A group of 360 dental patients of white race, aged 16-56, residents of St. Petersburg, including: control group of patients (n=84) not having the connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) and the basic group of patients (n=276) having the CTD, has been examined. Patients underwent complex clinical and instrumental examination of their dental, somatic status, CTD check. We have found that BMI, in comparison with VI, identifies the differences between the studied groups more accurately, and seems more preferable for diagnosis of the nutritional status and differential diagnosis of patients whether having or not having CTD. In the basic group, BMI is affected by the course of CTD and by age. In the control group, BMI is affected by age and gender. In the basic group, the course of CTD and gender affect VI. In the control group, gender and age affect VI. Correlations of the anthropometric parameters (n=320; p=0,0001) with CTD and dental parameters, have been identified. Varga Index has positive correlations with body-weight index, BMI (r=0.951), weight (r=0,837), periodontal biotype (r=0,289), and negative correlations with CTD (r = -0.290). BMI positively correlates with VI (r= 0,951), weight (r=0,856), and age (r=0.392), gingiva biotype (r=0,305), presence of dentition defects (r=0,301). BWI negatively correlates with the diagnostic bone criteria of CTD (r=-0,308; n=249) and the CTD phenotype (r=-0,323). In the examined patients, age correlates with the CFE index (index of caries-decayed, filled, extracted teeth) (r=508) positively, and correlates with the weight (r=-0.300) of the patient negatively (p=0,0001; n=320). Implementing the study of dental patients, it is necessary to take into account the values and correlations of the anthropometric measurement parameters (BMI, VI of weight, height), which correlate with age, gender and dental status characteristics (periodontal biotypes, CFE, dentition defects), as well as bone diagnostic criteria of CTD, feature of the CTD course and phenotype.


Elena Statovskaia

«I.I. Mechnikov North-West state medical University» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

Cand. Med. Sci., associate Professor of the Department of General practice dentistry 191015, St. Petersburg, Russia


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