Orthodontic neuroorthopedic pathology in children and adolescents with pain dysfunction syndrome of the temporomandibular joint




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BACKGROUND: The number of children and adolescents with temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome (TMJ SPD) is increasing annually. One of the causes of this disease is dental pathology, particularly dental anomalies.

AIM: To study the prevalence of TMJ SPD in children and adolescents and the role of orthodontic and neuroorthopedic pathology in its occurrence.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A survey of 622 students from state educational institutions was carried out. The students were divided into two age groups according to the main period of dental formation and the age periodization scheme of human ontogenesis. The students were divided into two groups with and without orthodontic pathology, and four subgroups: subgroup 1 was children without dentofacial abnormalities (n=92); subgroup 2 was children with dentofacial anomalies (n=66); subgroup 3 was teenagers without dentofacial anomalies (n=313), and subgroup 4 was teenagers with dentofacial anomalies (n=151).

RESULTS: An increase in the prevalence of TMJ SPD was found in adolescents (weak reliable relationship, r=0.10, p <0.05). In the two age groups, correlation analysis revealed a weak reliable relationship between dental anomalies and TMJ SPD (r=0.212 for children and r=0.161 for adolescents, p <0.01); as well as a weak significant association between distal bite (r=0.131, p <0.010), and an excessively deep vertical bite with TMJ SPD (r=0.152, p <0.010) in adolescents. A significant association was detected between scoliosis and TMJ SPD (r=0.340, p <0.010) in both age groups.

CONCLUSION: An increase in the prevalence of TMJ SPD was found in adolescents. Dental anomalies that occur during adolescence may be a cause of TMJ SPD; however, the main role is played by cervical vertebral dystrophic syndrome, scoliosis, and (or) postural disorders. In all cases, TMJ SPD was diagnosed with signs of cervical vertebral dystrophic syndrome, scoliosis, and (or) postural disorders, the clinical manifestations of which depended on the age of the student. Thus, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive multidisciplinary examination on all patients with TMJ SPD and include dentists, neurologists, pediatricians, and, if necessary, orthodontists.


Elena Silantyeva

Kazan Federal University; Kazan state medical Academy

Email: elenasilantjeva@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2701-6374
SPIN 代码: 7501-3430

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Assistant Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Kazan; Kazan

Antonina Anokhina

Kazan Federal University

Email: a_anokhina@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5134-8590
SPIN 代码: 3009-9993

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Kazan

Rais Hafizov

Kazan Federal University

Email: implantstom@bk.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6578-6743
SPIN 代码: 4041-9445

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Kazan


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2. Fig. 1. Stages of the conducted research. ВНЧС — temporomandibular joint; СБД ВНЧС — temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome.

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