Diseases of pulp-periodontal complex associated with different directions between systems disorders




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BACKGROUND: Caries complications (pulpitis and periodontitis) alongside caries remained the most widespread pathology on dentistry dispensary acceptance. This is a study of the disease structure of the pulp and periodontal for dentistry patients with intersystem disorders.

AIM: To improve the treatment methods of pulp-periodontal defeats for patients with between system disorders

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This retrospective study included 568 dispensaries of the cards using the casual sample dentistry patient with different directions between system disorders (main group), and 570 dispensaries of the cards patient without somatic pathology (group of the comparison) primarily addressing employees of therapeutic dentistry department. Patients with between systems disorders were chosen following the World Health Organization recommendation, defining the given group as a contingent on the high risk for dentistry level health estimation of somatic patients.

RESULTS: Among examined contingent, the prevalence of pulp inflammation was determined in 209 (36.8%) events of 568 addresses. Prevalence of chronic periodontitis was determined in 183 (32.2%) events of 586 addresses.

CONCLUSIONS: The interconnection pulp-periodontal disease complex analysis discovered the reliable correlation between pulpitis and periodontitis between the compared groups.


Gayur Ashurov

Institute of Postgraduate Education in Healthcar of the Republic of Tajikistan

Email: ipovszrt@mail.ru

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

塔吉克斯坦, Dushanbe

Farkhunda Imomova

Institute of Postgraduate Education in Healthcar of the Republic of Tajikistan

Email: ipovszrt@mail.ru


塔吉克斯坦, Dushanbe

Safarakhmad Karimov

Institute of Postgraduate Education in Healthcar of the Republic of Tajikistan

Email: ipovszrt@mail.ru

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor

塔吉克斯坦, Dushanbe


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2. Fig. 1. Structuring of various forms of inflammatory diseases of the pulp among the compared groups of patients (%): a — patients with intersystem disorders; b — patients without somatic pathology

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3. Fig. 2. Distribution of various forms of periodontitis among dental patients with systemic disorders (%)

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4. Fig. 3. Prevalence of chronic forms of periodontitis among dental patients with intersystem disorders and without somatic pathology (%)

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版权所有 © Ashurov G.G., Imomova F.Z., Karimov S.M., 2022

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