Integral assessment of the population risk of generalized periodontal disease

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Introduction. The development and prevalence of generalized periodontitis is caused by a combination of many factors: climatic, geographical, gender, age, presence of somatic pathology, etc.

Aim. This study analyzes the population determinants of the risk of generalized periodontitis.

Material and methods. Epidemiological surveys of the population of the adult population of Uzbekistan aged 20 and more than 60 years were carried out. Using regression analysis, we determined the contribution of risk factors for the development of periodontal diseases to the presence/absence of disease in the population.

Results. In terms of impact on the occurrence of periodontitis, the factors are as follows: on the 1st place is the non-compliance with hygiene of the oral cavity, the contribution factor is 0.301 units; on the 2d — the presence of chronic somatic diseases, 0.252 units; on the 3rd — the predominance of carbohydrates in the diet, 0.252 units; on the 4th — low income increases the presence of periodontitis to 0,139 units; on the 5th — social conditions, 0.139 units; on the 6th — smoking, 0.106 unit; 7th — low social status that increases the risk of periodontitis in the population by 0.0524 units of measurement and on the 8th — male sex, leading to an increase in the prevalence of periodontitis in the periodontal diseases by 0.0185 units of measurement.

Conclusion. The data obtained allow us to calculate the load by risk factors. At the same time, in age groups, compared with the General sample, it changes from negative values in age groups up to and including 45 years and to positive values in elder people. Similarly, the additional risk of periodontitis due to the load of risk factors changes in the population.

About the authors

Olga E. Bekjanova

Tashkent state dental Institute

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, Dsc, Professor, Head of the Department

Uzbekistan, 103, Tarakkiyot street, Tashkent, 100047

D. A. Rizaev

Samarkand state medical Institute

Uzbekistan, 140100, Samarqand, Amir Temur str., 18

E. A. Rizaev

Tashkent state dental Institute

Uzbekistan, 103, Tarakkiyot street, Tashkent, 100047

K. D. Alimjanov

Tashkent state dental Institute

Uzbekistan, 103, Tarakkiyot street, Tashkent, 100047


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. The value of periodontitis additional to the population risk in the age groups of the adult population

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