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Introduction: Temporary disability cases in patients with maxillofacial injuries treated in dental medical organizations for 11 years. Objective: to study the group of traumatic maxillofacial injuries affecting the duration of temporary disability cases in the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) in 2007-2017. Material and methods: accounting-and-reporting forms 16-ВН, 036/у, 035/у, 043/у in dental medical organizations for the period 2007-2017. Results: The traumatic maxillofacial injuries leading to temporary disability are in the second place in the structure of diseases with temporary disability and make up 14%; the authors established the type of maxillofacial injuries with temporary disability. When comparing the patients’ age with maxillofacial injuries, it was revealed that the patients with open unilateral mandibular fracture, closed zygomatic fracture, as well as maxillary fracture are significantly young. A bilateral mandibular fracture (both open and closed), an angular mandibular fracture, a wound and hematoma, as well as other injuries are characteristic of older people. The maxillofacial injuries leading to temporary disability are divided as follows, depending on gender: male patients - 58.1%, female patients - 41.9%. The greatest number of temporary disability cases associated with a group of injuries was detected in 2013, the smallest number - in 2008. The average duration of temporary disability cases ranged from 6.69±1.62 to 22.43±2.38 days. The authors established the statistically significant differences in the hospitalization rate depending on the type of maxillofacial injury (p<0.001). This indicator is typical for jaw and zygomatic fractures. Conclusion. Analysis of the data obtained during the study showed the statistically significant differences in the structure of temporary disability cases with traumatic maxillofacial injuries, depending on the year of observation, gender, age, hospitalization rate. An algorithm for doctor’s actions in temporary disability cases with traumatic maxillofacial injuries, which is important for introduction it in practical healthcare has been developed.

About the authors

A. B Abdrashitova

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

420012, Kazan, Russia

Rinat Akhmedullovich Saleev

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Email: rinat.saleev@gmail.com
Dr Med.Sci., Dean of Faculty of Dentistry of Kazan State Medical University Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 420012 Kazan, Russia 420012, Kazan, Russia


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