Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of indirect restorations of anterior

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A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of indirect restorations of anterior in 35 patients. Studied the objective criteria of the quality of dental treatment and quality of life Oral Health Impact Profile-OHIP-14RU in the period up to 1 year. It is established that indirect restorations are highly resistant according to the criteria of “form, color, roughness”. In addition, at a high level in the medium term, retain the integrity and conformance of the design. Among the indications for indirect restorations metal-ceramic crowns-dimensional structure or texture of the tooth were observed in 31% ofpatients, multiple fillings, defects of shape, and disposition - 41, 17 and 11% respectively. When using metal crowns, on the stage of the preparatory treatment shows deponirovanie 41,1% of the teeth. In patients who underwent restorations in the front group were made metal-ceramic crowns, at the dispositions ofpulpless 80% of the teeth, just the restoration of the 11th, 21st, 31st and 41st teeth was performed in 58,8%.

About the authors

S. Yu Maksyukov

Rostov State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
344022, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

M. K Lemeshko

Rostov State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation

344022, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


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