On the issue of composite materials

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Caries is the pathological process of hard tissue demineralization in teeth caused by various factors. As a result, necrotic areas within the tooth are formed that require removal and subsequent reconstruction in order to re-establish tooth function. This is achieved by replacing the demineralized areas with dental filling materials. With a wide variety of available dental filling materials, the dentist is faced with the task of choosing the correct material depending on the nature of the lesion. To date, the most widely used permanent filling materials are composites, which constitute one of the largest groups of filling materials. They gained their popularity due to their numerous good qualities, and the continuous research within the field of dental materials enables further improvement of their properties. Currently, a new composite has appeared in dentistry, which helps to neutralize the salivary pH during acidosis, thereby preventing the development of dental caries

About the authors

Olga Mohamed Hassan Bait Said

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: milk10milk@hotmail.com

PhD Candidate of the Department of Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases

Russian Federation, Moscow, 117198

S. V. Razumova

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Email: milk10milk@hotmail.com
Russian Federation, Moscow, 117198

E. V. Velichko

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Email: milk10milk@hotmail.com
Russian Federation, Moscow, 117198


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