Features of chewing disorders in children with grade III vertebral disocclusion of dentition

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We aimed at studying the peculiarities of violations of function for the vertical disocclusion dentition III level in children. We performed this study in 27 patients aged 7—18 years before and after orthodontic treatment using the statistical method of N. I. Agapova, based on determining the percentage of each tooth in the chewing process. We analyzed chewing efficiency in patients with grade III vertical dentition dysocclusion in each age group from 7 to 18 years with same number of boys and girls. The mean chewing efficiency index of grade III vertical disocclusion of the dentition was 52.3%, indicating a high degree of its violation. We observed the highest percentage of chewing efficiency loss in children aged 18 years (63.4%). This loss occurred due to the absence of occlusal relationships in the area of incisors and canines, as well as premolars and first molars on one or two sides of the dentition. In addition, we recorded the lowest percentage of loss of chewing efficiency in children aged 7 years (40.8%). The decrease in chewing efficiency observed in this age group was due to the switching-off of incisors and canines from occlusal relationships on both sides of the dentition. After the end of the treatment stage, reanalysis of the average loss of chewing efficiency in patients with grade III vertical dentition was 7.7%.

About the authors

A. E. Ali

Stavropol State Medical University

Email: vmv.st@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Stavropol

Victor M. Vodolatsky

Stavropol State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: vmv.st@yandex.ru

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry Stavropol State Medical University

Russian Federation, Stavropol


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