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Introduction: cases of temporary disability in patients with loss of teeth, treated in dental health care organizations for 11 years. Objective: to study the group of diseases (tooth loss due to accident, removal or localized periodontitis (K08.1)) as a factor affecting the duration of temporary disability cases in the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) for 2007-2017. Material and methods: analysis of accounting and reporting forms 16-HV, 036/y, 035/y, 043/y in dental medical organizations fo r the period 2007-2017. Results: In the structure of the General dental morbidity with temporary disability, the group of diseases associated with tooth loss ranks third (7%) after odontogenic inflammatory diseases and injuries of the maxillofacial region. During the period of treatment and rehabilitation of working patients, there is a case of disability, the duration of which depends on the nosological form of the disease: the longest duration was established in the diagnosis of «peri-Implanitis» and « Loss of teeth in the lower jaw» (10.22±1.65 an d 10.98±0.69 days, respectively). Depending on the gender, cases of LN in the pathology studied are divided as follows: male patients - 37.5%, female - 62.5 %. The greatest number of cases of temporary disability associated with the group of the disease was revealed in 2011, the smallest - in 2008. We have established statistically significant differences in the frequency of hospitalization of patients depending on the nosological form groups of diseases of tooth loss (p<0.001).

About the authors

A. B Abdrashitova

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

420012, Kazan, Russia

Rinat Akhmedullovich Saleev

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Doctor of Medical Science, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry of Kazan State Medical University Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia 420012, Kazan, Russia


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