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The authors of the article consider various approaches to the preparation of the apical part of the root canal. They analyze the nature of the microbial flora of the channel, the peculiarities of its distribution within the channel and beyond. In addition, the authors note the role of root cement in the extracanal arrangement of the microbial film. The article provides an analysis of such concepts as “ensuring the apical patency” and “opening the apical foramen.” The differences between these concepts is emphasized, which is of fundamental importance both for determining the limits of the apical preparation and for understanding the essence of the pathological processes in the periodontal teeth with the preserved and destroyed apical constriction. Based on their own research and data from the world endodontic literature, the authors offer their recommendations on instrumentation of the cement canal depending on a particular clinical situation.

About the authors

A. P Pedorets

State educational organization of higher professionaleducation the M. Gorki «Donetsk national medical university»


A. G Pilaev

State educational organization of higher professionaleducation the M. Gorki «Donetsk national medical university»


Liliya P. Terpigoreva

State educational organization of higher professionaleducation the M. Gorki «Donetsk national medical university»

Assistant of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry State educational organization of higher professionaleducation the “Donetsk national medical university of the name М. Gorki” Donetsk

N. A Ponomareva

State educational organization of higher professionaleducation the M. Gorki «Donetsk national medical university»



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