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The conducted comprehensive medical, economic and statistical analysis indicates the need to develop more effective management decisions aimed at monitoring, coordination and improvement of the provision of dental services and the activities of medical organizations in the implementation of the program of state guarantees. The fiscal deficit in the compulsory health insurance system in 2017, 1.36% of all expenditures allocated for the implementation of the CHI in the field of dentistry. This fact directly indicates that the stated guarantees of free medical care are implemented in insufficient volume and quality. Current scenarios of institutional changes in the CHI system are initiated at macro, meso and micro levels. And at each of them the priority is to create an appropriate regulatory framework.

About the authors

M. V Zuev

Central research Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery; Moscow state regional University

119991, Moscow, Russia; 105005, Moscow, Russia

Valentina Gavrilovna Butova

Central research Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery; Moscow state regional University

Dr. Med. Sci., Professor 119991, Moscow, Russia; 105005, Moscow, Russia

T. I Vlasova

Central research Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery; Moscow state regional University

119991, Moscow, Russia; 105005, Moscow, Russia


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