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In the article options of chipping of the ceramic veneer metal-ceramic fixed prostheses Zirconia or frameworks, including those based on dental implants. The variants of elimination of such defects are described by the degree of complication. Special attention is paid to the method of restoration of defective ceramic cladding by means of preparation of facing ceramics, scanning by CEREC intraoral scanner, milling of ceramic restoration and its fixation to the place of chipping. The author’s experience from six months to five years has shown the high efficiency of this method of repair of ceramic cladding.

About the authors

D. I Morozov

FGKU «the Central dental clinic of the Federal security service of Russia»; FGBUZ «Clinical centre of dentistry, Federal medical-biological Agency of Russia»

101000, Moscow; 123098, Moscow

R. S Zaslavsky

FGKU «the Central dental clinic of the Federal security service of Russia»; FGBUZ «Clinical centre of dentistry, Federal medical-biological Agency of Russia»

101000, Moscow; 123098, Moscow

Konstantin Vladimirovich Shmatov

FGKU «the Central dental clinic of the Federal security service of Russia»; FGBUZ «Clinical centre of dentistry, Federal medical-biological Agency of Russia»

Cand. Med. Sci., dentist-restorative (prosthodontist) 101000, Moscow; 123098, Moscow

A. S Ivanov

FGKU «the Central dental clinic of the Federal security service of Russia»; FGBUZ «Clinical centre of dentistry, Federal medical-biological Agency of Russia»

101000, Moscow; 123098, Moscow

D. V Martinov

FGKU «the Central dental clinic of the Federal security service of Russia»; FGBUZ «Clinical centre of dentistry, Federal medical-biological Agency of Russia»

101000, Moscow; 123098, Moscow


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