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The aim of the conducted research was to study the practical application of photometric measuring devices with the use of fluorescent technologies. Photometry is a set of methods for molecular absorption spectral analysis based on selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the visible, infrared and ultraviolet regions by molecules of the component being detected or its compound with a suitable reagent. During the research, 10 different dental prosthetic designs were measured before and after cleaning. The purpose of the experiment was to give the objective evaluation of the different dental prosthetic designs for their further use in a clinic. The InSpectr M device was used for the measurements and the specialized program MedGun was used to convert the received results into a convenient and understandable format. Prostheses were measured in the points where they were the most vulnerable to bacteria. At first, prostheses were measured in the same state they were received, then they were cleaned with the use of the toothpaste. After cleaning the aerobic index and fluorescence intensity of the prostheses were re-measured. A statistically significant difference for the measured values is shown and the practical applicability of measurement methods based on fluorescent technologies for the assessment of the hygienic state of dental prosthetic structures is proved.

About the authors

Mikhail Timofeevich Alexandrov

I.M. Sechenov First MGMU (Sechenovskiy Universitet)

MD, professor 119146, Moscow

A. N Akhmedov

I.M. Sechenov First MGMU (Sechenovskiy Universitet)

119146, Moscow

O. A Artemova

I.M. Sechenov First MGMU (Sechenovskiy Universitet)

119146, Moscow

E. D Namiot

I.M. Sechenov First MGMU (Sechenovskiy Universitet)

119146, Moscow

A. Potrivaylo

I.M. Sechenov First MGMU (Sechenovskiy Universitet)

119146, Moscow


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