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The ability to penetrate conditionally pathogenic microflora from defects of the oral mucosa, from the surface of dentures and tissues of the prosthetic bed into the bloodstream is extremely dangerous for the body. The method of evaluation of colonization of opportunistic microflora in the experiment in-vitro alloy samples for the manufacture of clasp prostheses allows to objectively assess the level of bacterial contamination of dental materials and predict the effectiveness of hygienic measures removable dentures, which is especially important in patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases. Structural heterogeneity, low surface purity, polished cobalt-chromium alloy provide adhesion of microbial cells, thereby increasing the colonization of microflora on the surface of the material. A sample of the alloy based on gold, and cobalt-chromium alloy with electroplating showed identical results reduced sorption of microorganisms and good hygiene quality.

About the authors

Malkan Abdrashitova Amhadova

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow regional scientific-research clinical Institute

Email: amkhadova@mail.ru
Dr. Med. Sci., Professor, head Department 129110, Moscow

D. Yu Rahaeva

Stavropol state medical University

355017, Stavropol

S. N Garazha

Stavropol state medical University

355017, Stavropol

Z. S-S Hubaev

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow regional scientific-research clinical Institute

129110, Moscow

E. N Grishilova

Stavropol state medical University

355017, Stavropol

E. V Arutyunov

Stavropol state medical University

355017, Stavropol

T. S.-S Hubaev

Stavropol state medical University

355017, Stavropol

S. S Hachaturov

Stavropol state medical University

355017, Stavropol


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