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There were the data adduced concerning the rate and character of the physician mistakes and complications while surgical treatment of the mandibula fractures. The main causes of the physician mistakes occurrence and the ways of their prophylaxis were determined. There was established, that the physician mistakes rate while performing mandibular ostheosynthesis constitutes 32.8%, in 6.8% of the observations the negative outcomes elimination demands the essential prolongation of the treatment period, reoperations performance of the dental malocclusion correction, using orthopedic or orthodontic methods. The majority of mistakes, afforded intraoperatively, constitute the outcome of nonadequate preoperative diagnosis and planning of the treatment measures. There are discussed the possibilities of application of modern methods of computeric diagnosis and virtual modeling of surgical interventions for minimization of intraoperative risk and reduction of the mistakes and complications rate of the mandibular fractures surgical treatment.

About the authors

Oleg G. Butenko

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow University of Medicine and Dentistry

a graduate student of the Department of Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Moscow State Medical University named after. A.I. Evdokimova 127473, Moscow, Russia

O. Z Topolnitsky

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow University of Medicine and Dentistry

127473, Moscow, Russia

P. O Romodanovsky

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow University of Medicine and Dentistry

127473, Moscow, Russia


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