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The article presents the results of the phased timing of the implantation and the production of a permanent prosthesis on implants with complete absence of teeth. The results of the economic calculation of the cost price of prosthetics on implants are given in view of labor costs, material costs, wages and other expenses. The labor intensity and cost of the implantation and prosthesis manufacturing operation were determined, in the amount of 18.8 hours and 98.5 thousand rubles, respectively. In the structure of labor, prosthetics on implants with complete absence of teeth, the labor of the surgeon, orthopedist, dental technician and the operation of technological equipment without the participation of the operator are approximately uniform. In the structure of the cost of prosthetics on implants up to 70.0% is occupied by material costs (cost of implants and components, alloys and ceramics); The salaries of medical personnel and support staff are 22.0%. The discrepancy between the calculated cost price of prosthetics on implants and the higher prices for such prosthetics existing in clinics is due to the need to purchase new equipment and materials, as well as the need to pay higher wages to qualified dentists and dental technicians in comparison with the minimum salary under the Presidential Decrees of May.

About the authors

T. N Novozemtseva

Federal State Budget Health Institution «Clinical Center for Dentistry of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

123098, Moscow

R. S Zaslavskij

Federal State Budget Health Institution «Clinical Center for Dentistry of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

123098, Moscow

Egor Evgen'evich Olesov

Federal State Budget Health Institution «Clinical Center for Dentistry of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

Dr Med. Sci., professor 123098, Moscow

D. I Morozov

Federal State Budget Health Institution «Clinical Center for Dentistry of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

123098, Moscow

E. V Glazkova

Federal State Budget Health Institution «Clinical Center for Dentistry of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency»

123098, Moscow


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