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The study was devoted to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the osteosynthesis using titanium nickelide clamps with shape memory in angular fractures of the mandible. Clinical and radiological examination was done in 70 patients. The volume of surgery included open reduction and rigid internal fixation of the bony fragments. The choice of fixing devices, their number was based on the pattern of bone damage and configuration of the fracture line. In early postoperative period, the dynamics of restoration of the function of the lower jaw, duration of intermaxillary fixation, as well as general time of hospitalization were evaluated. In the long-term period, control checkups were performed with mandatory x-ray imaging of the mandible. According to the data obtained during examination of the local status and radiographic data, the correct position of bone fragments and fixation structures in all operated patients were noted. There were no symptoms of infection, malocclusion or nonunion. Thus, the use of a personified approach in the selection of fixation devices in patients with fractures of the lower jaw allowed to improve the quality of surgical treatment, as well as to shorten timeframe of the rehabilitation.

About the authors

Yu. A Medvedev

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

127473, Moscow

Shaw I. Zhang

I.M. Sechenov First MSMU (Sechenov University)

post-graduate student of the Department of maxillofacial surgery of the educational Department of the Institute of dentistry I.M. Sechenov First MSMU (Sechenov University) 119991, Moscow

P. S Petruk

I.M. Sechenov First MSMU (Sechenov University)

119991, Moscow


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