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Research results of clinical aspects of dentition deformation in cases with included dental defects and different structures of maxillofacial region are presented in the article. Toque and angulation teeth abnormality on the side of the dentition defect, resizing of the dental row, changing of the occlusal plane inclination, dentition ratio abnormality all of these are the main symptoms. The combination of dental row deformation sings depends on the structure type of maxillofacial region. The orthodontic treatment tactics of patients with dentition deformation and included dental defects are justified subject to the comprehensive rehabilitation.

About the authors

A. V Silin

North-Western medical University n. a. I. I. Mechnikov, of Minzdrav of Russia

St. Petersburg, Russia

Tat’yana Yur’evna Okuneva

”Clinic Good Dentist”

Chief medical officer at “Klinika Dobrogo Stomatologa”, Saint-Petersburg St. Petersburg, Russia


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