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Introduction. It is known that the number of patients with phlegmons does not tend to decrease, which can be due to both disease pathomorphosis and changes in the epidemiological features of this pathology. In addition, a significant contribution to the development of the disease makes the characteristics of the comorbidity background. The aim of the study was to assess the clinical and epidemiological aspects of the morbidity of the Perm city population with the maxillofacial area phlegmons. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 137 case reports ofpatients with facial phlegmon was carried out. Results. It is shown that young and middle-aged patients dominated in the age structure of the disease. Phlegmons often localized in 1-2 spaces. In more than half the cases, the phlegmons was in the submandibular space. Among the etiological factors of the disease, the leading place is occupied by gram-positive cocci and their associations. An essential role of anaerobic microflora in the pathogenesis of phlegmons has been established. Microorganisms of the Enterobacteriaceae family play a significant role in the formation of inter-microbial associations in the development of this pathology. Often phlegmons of the maxillofacial region are found in patients with concomitant somatic pathology. With a comorbid component, more frequent detection of microorganism associations is indicated. In addition, such patients enter the hospital much later. Conclusion. Thus, when assessing clinical and epidemiological data, it is shown that the phlegmons of the maxillofacial region occur, as a rule, in young and middle age, and also in the presence of comorbid pathology. A significant contribution to the development of the disease is made by associations of microorganisms, which may include a change in the severity ofpathogenicity factors.

About the authors

G. I Schtraube

«Acad. E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University»

614000, Perm, Russia

Iosif A. Boev

«Acad. E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University»

student of dentistry faculty, Acad. E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University 614000, Perm, Russia

A. P Godovalov

«Acad. E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University»

614000, Perm, Russia

G. I Antakov

Dental hospital clinical multidisciplinary medical center «Acad. E.A. Wagner Perm state medical University» of Ministry of health of Russia

614000, Perm, Russia


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