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Chronic osteomyelitis in children poorly understood disease. Moreover, insufficient data on patients’ rehabilitation, it underwent. Chronic osteomyelitis is more common in the age of 8-10 years, the more interesting the clinical case of rehabilitation of the child who has had chronic osteomyelitis of the upper jaw to the right at the age of 4 years. In most cases chronic form of osteomyelitis in children occur соmplex dentoalveolar deformations, facial aesthetics violation. To eliminate the disease apply complex orthodontic and surgical interventions, dentures. We explored the possibility of forming a physiological ratio dentoalveolar arches using orthodontic rehabilitation of a child who has had chronic osteomyelitis at an early age. Monitoring and treatment of the patient was carried out at the age of 4-15 years. In the treatment of used removable orthodontic appliances replacement dentition defect, non-removable orthodontic appliances, orthopedic extraoral traction. For the control treatment and the results of the analysis were used different types of X-ray examination: a panoramic picture, computed tomography, as well as calculations of models of the jaws and face and smile detection photometry. During treatment persists infantile type was eliminated, to form a neutral type of jaw relations, create conditions for the eruption of permanent teeth on the modified disease right half of the upper jaw. A detailed analysis of the results showed that the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment depend on its early start, the sequence and scope of the orthodontic treatment, care, timeliness, as well as the activity of a doctor and patient cooperation.

About the authors

Farida S. Ayupova

Kuban state medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

Ph.D., docent of the department of children’s dentistry, orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery KSMU Ministry of Health of Russia 350063, Krasnodar

T. V Gayvoronskaya

Kuban state medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

350063, Krasnodar

A. S Mosesova

Kuban state medical University of Minzdrav of Russia

350063, Krasnodar


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