Inserts the medical card dental patient - an integral part of legal document

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Medical records included in the job competency of the dentists. Inserts the medical card dental patient is an integral part of medical and legal documentation, while the leaves of the refined diagnosis are not filled by 90,7%, a mark of cancer examination is missing at 30,6%, informed voluntary consent is not filled in 28,1%, leaf dose tracking of the patient during x-ray examination is not in 8,3% of cases.

About the authors

L. E Smirnova

«Central research Institute of dentistry and craniofacial surgery» of the Ministry of health

Author for correspondence.
119991, Moscow, Russia

E. A Seliverstova

«Central research Institute of dentistry and craniofacial surgery» of the Ministry of health

119991, Moscow, Russia

Vladimir Davydovich Vagner

«Central research Institute of dentistry and craniofacial surgery» of the Ministry of health


Dr. med. Sci., prof.

119991, Moscow, Russia

I. V Anisimova

«Omsk state medical University»

644099, Siberian Federal district, Omsk region, Omsk

A. P Prisyazhnyuk

«Omsk state medical University»

644099, Siberian Federal district, Omsk region, Omsk

A. S Sapitskaya

«Omsk state medical University»

644099, Siberian Federal district, Omsk region, Omsk


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