The results of the survey dentists to identify used in practical health care methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients with diseases of the temporomandibular joint

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The article presents the results of a survey of 80 dentists of different specialties in Smolensk to identify used in practical health care methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients with diseases of the temporomandibular joint. The authors used a specially designed questionnaire. The survey was carried out on paper, then conducted statistical analysis, was determined error of the mean is m and carried out the data analysis. Survey data indicate that every third of the respondents dentist 23 (28,75% ± 3,46%) never uses open-ended questions to identify TMJpathology, 32 specialists (40,0% ± 2,7%) interview only sometimes, but always - and only every fifth Respondent 22 (27,5% ± 3,2%) of the applicants, indicating lack of alertness of doctors in relation to the TMJ and the violation of the Protocol of examination of the patient. None of the interviewees dentists do not use such modern methods of diagnostics, myography, auscultation of TMJ, axiography, and radiation methods of diagnosis used only 31 dentist (38,75% ± 5,5%), of which computed tomography is used only 13 (41,94% ± 4.0 per cent), doctors, and MRI is the most informative method to diagnose internal disorders of TMJ, only 1 physician (3,23% ± 1,87%). As a result of the survey revealed a low level of knowledge of dentists on TMJ pathology, 90,0% ± 3,4% are experiencing difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of TMJ, and the doctors critically assess their knowledge in such a way that the average score is not exceeded 2.6. Analyzing methods of treatment of this pathology, which are used by dentists, it was found that 53 specialist (66,25% ± 3,79%) did not treat patients and only refer them to other specialists. The level of knowledge of dentists in Smolensk on TMJ pathology is insufficient applied methods of diagnosis is less informative, and used methods of treatment do not meet modern requirements.

About the authors

Evgenij A. Mishutin

Smolensk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

graduate student of department of Propedevtical stomatology «Smolensk State Medical University»

214019, Smolensk, Russia

P. N Geletin

Smolensk State Medical University

214019, Smolensk, Russia

S. N Derevcova

Smolensk State Medical University

214019, Smolensk, Russia

A. N Karnlina

Smolensk State Medical University

214019, Smolensk, Russia


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