Thermal dilatation of methyl methacrylates in fixation of full removable post-resection denture

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Study Aim: Ascertain the cause of momentary fixation failure of full removable post-resection hollow acryl denture of upper jaw. Main results: The acryl materials used for manufacture the prosthetic basis is thermally expandable. The area contacting the heater grows peak hot, whereas the area facing prosthetic bed tissues is less heated due to low heat conductivity of the plastic. This causes basis deformation leading to gapping and higher denture mobility. Another factor of increased deformation is volumetric expansion of a denture due to moisture absorption. In real clinical environment, it adds to the expansion effect not to be set off by mucous tunic mobility. This effects sucker impermeability and ultimately leads to fixation failure. Patients with denture of biophysical fixation are strongly advised to abstain from eating hot (50°C and above) food and thermally contrasted food; avoid using maintenance water of over 40°C to exclude surplus moisture absorption. Conclusions: Thermal dilatation of methyl methacrylates at high temperatures may cause a short-term fixation disturbance with three-dimensional models of full removable post-resection dentures. Polyurethane-based structural material is proposed to the manufacturer as an appropriate candidate to produce post-resection denture basis.

About the authors

Yuliya Gennad’evna Smerdina

Kemerovo State Medical Academy

cand. med. sci., associate Professor of the Department of prosthodontics and materials science Kemerovo State Medical Academy Kemerovo, Russia

S. A Martynov

Kemerovo State Medical Academy

Kemerovo, Russia

L. N Smerdina

Kemerovo State Medical Academy

Kemerovo, Russia


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