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The state of extensive deformation of ‘tooth-parodont’ system has been explored considering the stage of the alveolar crest bone resorption and anatomical consequences of tooth depulpation. The research involving mathematical simulation in combination with the finite element analysis and Schleicher-Nadai theory has stated that removal of single-rooted teeth caused by periodontal diseases does not increase the maximum allowable level of occlusal load in case of good bone mineralization. Provided depulpation is inevitable, periodontal tissue should either not be substituted with fibrious tissue or replaced with one third intra alveolar length. Biomechanical features imply a varied choice of methods and tooth filling materials used for filling root canals as well as revision of parodontogram rates in terms of periodont changes after pulp removal.

About the authors

V. R Shashmurina

Smolensk state medical university

Author for correspondence.
214019, Smolensk, Russia

L. I Devlikanova

Smolensk state medical university

214019, Smolensk, Russia

E. N Chumachenko

Smolensk state medical university

214019, Smolensk, Russia


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