Features of psychoemotional state and vegetative status of patients with tmj disorders

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In recent years many authors have noted the dominant influence of psychosocial factors in temporomandibular joint dysfunction development. The aim of the study is to assess the severity of pain, to reveal and study the features of emotional state and vegetative status of patients with TMJ disorders. 70 patients with TMJ dysfunction and 20 people without signs of pathology of the temporomandibular joint were involved in the study. The examination included assessment ofpain, emotional state and autonomic status. We used Visual-analog scale and pain questionnaire, Beck depression scale, Leongard-Shmishek test and mathematic analysis of heart rhythm. In the study we revealed characteristic features of the emotional state in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction such as expressed of accentuations on the scale of cyclotides and destinati (Leongard- Shmishek test), mild degree depression due to Back scale, and disturbances of vegetative balance in the form of moderate activation of sympathetic vegetative nervous system. The presence of characteristic features of the emotional state in patients with temporomandibularjoint dysfunction confirms the role ofstressfactors in the development and worsening of TMJ disorders and dictates the need to include in the algorithm of complex diagnostics consultation of neuropsychiatrist, and also allows the dentist to correctly carry out dental treatment in the scheme of complex therapy.

About the authors

Anna Nikolaevna Karelina

Smolensk state medical university

Author for correspondence.
Email: A.karelina82@mail.ru

assistant of the children stomatology department of Smolensk state medical university

214019, Smolensk, Russia

P. N Geletin

Smolensk state medical university

Email: info@eco-vector.com
214019, Smolensk, Russia

E. A Mishutin

Smolensk state medical university

Email: info@eco-vector.com
214019, Smolensk, Russia


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