Method of dynamic elimination of posttraumatic enophtalmos




The purpose of this research paper is optimization of surgical methods of treatment of patients with fractures, defects and deformities of orbital wall with a possibility of dynamic reversal of enophthalmos in postoperative period. In the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medicine was developed a method of abolition ofposttraumatic enophthalmos. The method is a discission 5 mm above mucogingivalfold in area from second to six molar region in the upperjaw and windowing to anteroexternal maxillary sinus wall. Into sinus cavity is inserted a G - type titanium mini plate with silicone slab and metallic support. G - type titanium mini plate has short and long parts which are deflected 90-110°. In the long part of miniplate there is a hole for a screw, in the short one there are holes for suture to fasten a silicone slab. A support is placed to lower third of burr hole and fixed with screws to anteroexternal maxillary sinus wall. The silicone slab is joined to the short part of G - type titanium mini plate and this part is got to the orbital floor defect. The long part is placed above the support andfixed to the upper ridge with a screw. Screwing in a long part is pressed on the bone and thus a short part is put in motion and shift an eyebulb up and forward. Early postoperative complications are not observed. Late postoperative complication in 1 month after surgery was changing the position of the eyeball downward 2 mm. Produced the correction position of the eyeball. In that way this method of treatment of orbital wall fractures and defects allows to reach a constant and strong fixation of bone fragments, management of an eyebulb position displacement due to made lever system not only in surgical treatment but in postoperative period.


Artem Bakushev

Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medicine


graduate student of maxillo-facial surgery and general dentist of Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medicine

Stroitelej St., 5, 654005 Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation

K. Sivolapov

Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medicine

Stroitelej St., 5, 654005 Novokuznetsk, Russian Federation


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