Use of granules of porous titanium nickelide in the experiment

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This study was designed to analyze and compare the osteoplastic value of granulated porous and wiry nickel-titan (NiTi), and than to define the advantages of using this material in clinical practice. methods: Performing this experiment granulated porous and wiry nickel-titan was used as a material to fill the bone cavities. As an experimental model we used laboratory rabbits of Chinchilla breed in standart conditions. The experimental group of rabbits was given general anesthesia (Zoletil) and local infiltrative anaesthisia. Then the alveolar process and the corpus of mandibulawere bared and the bone cavity of 5mm size was formed by fissural dental drill. The cavity was filled by granulated or wiry NiTi, then covered with NiTi net as a membrane. The operative wound above the cavity was sutured layerwise. Comparing between experimental and control groups we can see that cavities filled with NiTi perform better regeneration, faster normal-like trabeculae formation. This completes the proof of osteoconductive and osteoinductive values of granulated porous and wiry NiTi. The intergrouth of the implant proves osteointegrative value of NiTi. Besides, in surrounding tissues no dystrophy ornecrosis process was found, that demonstrates non-toxicity of the material.

About the authors

Ya. A Medvedev

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical university

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery 119435, Moscow

Dmitriy Andreevich Usatov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical university

postgraduate, assistant of the Department of maxillofacial surgery of the I.M. Sechenov First MGMU 119435, Moscow


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