Justification of methods of diagnosis of speech disorders in cancer patients with acquired maxillary defects of the second group by V.Yu. Kurlandskiy

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This article describes the components of human speech, classification of anatomic organs involved in rectortown, the analysis instrumental methods of speech. 35 analyzed literary sources - 14 works of domestic authors and 21 foreign. The earliest publication dates from 1972, the late - 2014. The basic parameters of sound (frequency, amplitude, period) are informative in the study of a simple sine wave sound. With the help of spectral analysis is the study of vocal sounds. Consonants are analyzed for the following parameters: slew rate sound intensity, time bows explosive consonant, the ratio of the amplitude of the noise intensity during the bows and sound intensity of the subsequent explosion. The envelope of sound intensity and its rate of change (first derivative of the amplitude) gives an idea of what a consonant is pronounced. When reducing the air flow through the vocal apparatus, these parameters will change. Pronunciation explosive consonants accompanied by an increase of air pressure in the oral cavity. This in turn leads to the leakage of airfrom the oral cavity in the presence ofa message of the oral cavity and the nasal cavity with acquired defects of the upper jaw with the violation of the integrity of the paranasal sinuses. The prosthesis is not always possible to solve the problem. Air leakage into the nasal cavity is accompanied by the appearance of an additional noise component, which is detected at the expert assessment and application of instrumental methods. Study of air leaks some authors produce using spirometry, however, the measurement of the tightness of the oral cavity to perform better with the use of breathing devices with adjustable hydraulic resistance, which simulate the increase of pressure in the oral cavity during speech. Leakage occurs, as a rule, on the border of the prosthesis with a defect, because the border of the defect is often movable mucosa, which when breathing tightly to the prosthesis, thus forming a sort of valve, however, when the pressure of air in the oral cavity, necessary for the formation of some sounds, this valve opens and air is drawn into the nasal cavity. Research associated with this phenomenon of objective speech settings it is expedient to produce the two-letter sounds, consisting of vowels and consonants. This approach allows to analyze all acoustic components smycnyx sounds with minimal prosodic and coarticulation distortion.

About the authors

N. N Mal'ginov

«A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University» Ministry of health of Russia

127437, Moscow

I. V Reshetov

«I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University»

119991, Moscow, Russia

A. F Zubkov

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow state University

Scientific research Institute of mechanics 119192, Moscow

Ivan Sergeevich Korzhov

«A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University» Ministry of health of Russia

Email: dr.korzhov@gmail.com
127437, Moscow


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