Analysis of the volume and types of dental care provided to patients with recurrent atami the mouth cavity under the program of obligatory medical insurance

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This article summarizes the results of the analysis of the structure, kinds and volumes of dental care provided for the compulsory health insurance program adult population with recurrent Atami the mouth. The study showed that treatment of patients with these diseases in the conditions of the municipal dental polyclinic is 7 types of services. The frequency of services on average of 2.28 services in 1 patient. Medicated treatment of lesions is held every second patient.

About the authors

Irina I. Dzugaeva

«A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University» Ministry of health of Russia

127207, Moscow

K. V Umarova

«Central research Institute of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery» of the Ministry of health of Russia

119991, Moscow


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