Effectiveness of oral diseases prevention among children of organized groups in Ulaanbaatar

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A clinical efficacy of the dental prevention program for 3, 6 and 12-years-old children of Ulaanbaatar, developed on the basis of situation analysis and the data of oral health survey is evaluated. The program permits to reduce the risk of dental caries development and increase the effectiveness of oral diseases prevention in children.

About the authors

E. M Kuzmina

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state dental University

127206, Москва

Tuya Gungaased

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state dental University

Email: tuki_6512@yahoo.com
127206, Москва

E. S Petrina

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state dental University

127206, Москва

K. K Borchalinskaya

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state dental University

127206, Москва


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