Clinical-immunologic background of application of plant-based preparation fitoncidini in combination therapy of chronic general catarrhal gingivitis

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High prevalence of parodontium inflammatory diseases is one of the most burning problems in modern Dentistry, however, antibacterial and antiseptic agents used by clinicians in treatment of this pathology reduce significantly the body reactive function and cause dysbiosis of the oral cavity. Effectiveness of the plant-based preparation Fitoncidini in therapy of chronic general catarrhal gingivitis has been assessed. After the comparative analysis of the results before and after the therapy, there has been detected positive dynamics of the therapy on the basis of the data of the laboratory and clinical observations.

About the authors

A. S Opravin

Northern State Medical University

Department of Therapeutic Dentistry 163000, Arkhangelsk

L. E Gromova

Northern State Medical University

Department of Pharmacology 163000, Arkhangelsk

Elena Evgenyevna Chernyshova

Northern State Medical University

Department of Therapeutic Dentistry 163000, Arkhangelsk

M. V Egulemova

A. P Kuz’min


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