Ellipsometric control of the thickness of the film of silicon carbide on the basis polymetylmetacrylate

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By experimental measurements caused by ion-plasma sputtering of thin films of SiC has been shown that the ellipsometric measurement ofparameters of thin films are accurate and reliable method of control of technological process ofmanufacturing of complex composite coatings, so you can choose the time of coating to obtain a desired thickness.

About the authors

A. P Voronov

«A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University»

Department of complex prosthetic dentistry 127206, Moscow

Igor Anatolievich Voronov

«A.I. Evdokimov Moscow state medical dental University»

Email: voronov77@mail.ru
Department of complex prosthetic dentistry 127206, Moscow

E. A Mitrofanov

«S.A. Vekshinskiy Research Institute of vacuum technology»

117105, Moscow


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