Choice of rational parameters of articulation elements of bridges from the new alloy "PRAGODENT-PLUS"

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In the introduction to the dental practice of a new alloy entails a series ofexperimental studies that will determine the conditions for the effective application of the material. One of these methods is the mathematical modeling, which allows to determine the maximum allowable loads on the structure. For the full construction of a mathematical model, you need to take into account parameters such as Young s modulus, Poisson s ratio and yield strength materials in bending. Aim of this work was to study the distribution of stresses on the bridge, made of alloy «PLAGODENT-PLUS», with emerging oral functional loads and determine minimum acceptable parameters Square junction bridge elements, depending on the extent of the defect. Materials and Methods: For the study, we took a new alloy based on gold «PLAGODENT-PLUS», intendedfor the manufacture of metal-ceramic bridges and ceramic materials of different manufacturers. Young s modulus and Poisson s ratio for the material were determined by scanning acoustic microscopy pulse. Yield stress in bending for the alloy «PLAGODENT-PLUS» was obtained by mechanical testing at the center of collective using «Materials and Metallurgy» MISA NUST on a universal testing machine Z250 company Zwick. Investigation of stress-strain state of the finite element method was carried out in the program Ansys Workbench 14.5. For the study was to create a virtual model of a metal-ceramic bridge of different lengths (3.4 and 5 units). Results: As a result of our research were first obtained data on the elastic properties of the alloy «PLAGODENT-PLUS» and ceramic materials of different manufacturers. Identified by the minimum acceptable square joints in bridges on skeletons of a new alloy «PLAGODENT PLUS» depending on the extent of the defect.

About the authors

Vitalii Anatol’evich Parunov

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow medical stomatological University

127473, Moscow

P. A Kolesov

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow medical stomatological University

127473, Moscow

M. V Bykova

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow medical stomatological University

127473, Moscow


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