Evaluation of the protective properties of the coating "Armor" silicon carbide from potentially dangerous products migration of dental plastics Quattro Ti" and "Molloplast-In" basis

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On the example of stomatological plastics («Quattro Ti», Italyand «Molloplast B Detax») protetive properties of coverage of «Armour» are wellprovenen from the carbide of silicon, that dimiishes the levels of migration from the bases of dentures appliancs made from them, potenially dangerus connetions. Efficieny of coverge «Armour» inrelation to foods of migration depending on composition andtechnology of making of bases materials is 19-50%. Reducng the levels of migration ofpotentially dangerous prodcts, coverage «Armour» diminishes chemicall risk of application of materials of «Quattro Ti» and»Molloplast-B» factor on purpose.

About the authors

Igor Yul’evich Lebedenko

Moscow state medical and dental University A.I. Evdokimov

Email: lebedenko@mail.ru
Department of тотркх prosthetic dentistry 127206, Moscow

I. A Voronov

Moscow state medical and dental University A.I. Evdokimov

Department of тотркх prosthetic dentistry 127206, Moscow


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