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As of today, there is no unified opinion between scientists and practical dentists about the role of the premolars in stomatognathic system. A lot of dental schools suggest solving the problem of lack of space in a dental arch by extracting premolars, thereby giving them secondary importance. In a previous publication we have shown a study that with the help of modern research equipment confirmed feature premolars in the physiology of dentition in patients with intact dental arches. In this article we have tried to reflect changes in the occlusal and neuro-muscular system, occurring with the loss of premolars.

About the authors

Alexey Borisovich Peregudov

GBOU VPO Moscow State Medical and Dental University A.I.Evdokimov Ministry of health of Russia

Department of comprehensive dental prosthetics 127206, Moscow

Alexey Anatolievich Stupnikov

GBOU VPO Moscow State Medical and Dental University A.I.Evdokimov Ministry of health of Russia

Department of comprehensive dental prosthetics 127206, Moscow

Petr Timurovich Gareev

GBOU VPO Moscow State Medical and Dental University A.I.Evdokimov Ministry of health of Russia

Department of comprehensive dental prosthetics 127206, Moscow


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